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Movie Review: Sanctum


New member
This is my first and last movie review because this film hit a landmark for me that's never been done. For the first time in my life I can say that there is no way in hell you could pay me to watch this movie again. It has nothing to do with the plot/acting/storyline/ or anything. The Sanctum is a fucking disturbing film that gives you nothing but a uncomfortable feeling and a scowl on your face in disgust.

The movie is based on a true Aussie story and takes place in caves miles below the ground. A dive/climbing crew gets trapped by floods so they have to find/crawl/climb/swim their way out.

Now i've seen The Abyss, submarine flicks, all those movies where you know the person is going to drown etc. This one tops the top of clostrophobia horror, because it's literally a 2 hour film of drowning and death. They try to throw in forced corny humor to soften the audience but the delivery is so poor makes the feeling worse.

A Serbian film - sick, can deal
Ireversable - weird but awesome
Sanctum - never ever ever ever again

I left the movie feeling like shit, thinking about it makes me feel like shit. I will never rewatch this movie again. 5/10

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I was having this conversation last week with one of the producers filming the movie in town. How hard can it possibly be to hire someone within the dive industry to consult on these things? Do costume design people not ASK dive shops they buy/rent gear from for shooting what divers would be wearing and using in various situations? Little things a non diver wouldn't pick up, but stand out like neon signs to me - like cave divers wearing split fins (which would NEVER happen. Some places would ban you from diving there for even trying), or blaming something on "narcosis" that has absolutely none of the symptoms of narcosis. Bugs the shit out of me lolol.
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