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Lite Cycle Experience


New member
I've done a few medium sized cycles, thinking of going light next one.

10 weeks x (200/wk Primo + 250/wk Sust)

This is maybe 1/2 of what I used to do. I haven't cycled in quite a while, and I'm quite down in body weight. I am guessing I can make some ok gains from a lite cycle.

Anyone have experience, who has tried before - maybe with a goal of reduced sides, or maybe with longer term health in mind?
You're not going to get anything out of 200mgs of primo unless you're a woman. I suggest you at least bump that to 400mgs/wk.

250mgs sust/wk
400mgs primo/wk
.25mgs arimidex ED

PCT: clomid and nolva
Thanks Mr X,

I feel pretty good about your suggestion - in terms of long term health there seems to be a concensus that Primo is moderately safe.

There's still a part of me that wants to go full out with even doubling the sust, but I'm trying to have the rational part of my brain keep me in check. 250 sust / 400 primo sounds like a good balance
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