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JohnnyJuice sent me red karma!!

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Ffactor said:

About what Blit?

First u call me fat...and now you call me BILT????

Thats the last straw!

You must be banned.
DrDankenstein said:
We seem to have lost sight of the fact that JJ got banned.
Ffactor basically had him banned because he got negative karma. Awesome.

Damn, you'd better not piss Ffactor off or he'll get you AND YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO! :rolleyes:
Whoa...bmom steps down, and the next thing you know, it's like her moderator spirit has inhabited Ffactor, and people are accusing HIM of bannign people.

Yossarian2000 said:
After reading 7 pgs of this drama, I cannot refrain from voicing my opinion, however uninteresting it may be:

There is a possibility that the Almighty knew he was recieving plat for free, but one can never be certain..

But there is no fucking doubt that Citruscide blatantly plagarized the work of another EF moderator, and claimed their achievements as his own. Shit, the fuckin evidence is still there!! its a shame really, I respected you until I read that ..

Poor form I say, very poor form...

Btw, sorry JJ is gone. There is so much drama lately, and a moderator is always at the center of it. Mgiht be time to clean house.....

I got your bad form right here buck-o!!! :p

I find it ironic that this site's major draw is a discussion about ILLEGAL drug use, yet arguing with people or giving bad karma is unacceptable and will get you banned.
After reading 7 pgs of this drama, I cannot refrain from voicing my opinion, however uninteresting it may be:

There is a possibility that the Almighty knew he was recieving plat for free, but one can never be certain..

But there is no fucking doubt that Citruscide blatantly plagarized the work of another EF moderator, and claimed their achievements as his own. Shit, the fuckin evidence is still there!! its a shame really, I respected you until I read that ..

Poor form I say, very poor form...

Btw, sorry JJ is gone. There is so much drama lately, and a moderator is always at the center of it. Mgiht be time to clean house.....
TheProject said:
Whoa...bmom steps down, and the next thing you know, it's like her moderator spirit has inhabited Ffactor, and people are accusing HIM of bannign people.


Odd how that is happening... wouldn't you say? :rolleyes:
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