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if you miss a meal on cycle or during PCT

What about those of us who go hypoglycemic fairly easily/quickly?

And lol @ sleeping in! You motherfuckers don't have kids do you?

Many days when I wake up I have to go get a glass of juice before I do anything else. If I start even washing my face and putting on clothes sometimes I can go hypo. Nothing like having just washed your face and putting on your clothes then getting dizzy, sweating profusely all over and feeling like you're going to vomit. After that I need a shower, but I can't take one because the kids are up and they need to get dressed and eat and go to school or daycare, and I gotta start my day too. No thanks.

No, I have not done IF. I have fasted before though...when I was a lot skinnier.

I might be able to fast longer with some GEAR (from ntbm) though.
All you need is food,water and of course real gear,not some rice flower in a pill.....If your missing a meal than get a job or hit up the dollar menu.

who you talking to bro?

just in general?

What if someone is traveling and don't want to hit the dollar menu? What if AAS are not being used? What the hell are you even talking about in relation to the thread?
So just to clarify things.
IF diet for office type work??
6 meals/day construction/manual work??
Still bit unsure. :)

i would say it totally depends on your goals, what you are on, your lifestyle etc etc.

generally guys who dig ditches all day are gonna have a tough time putting on weight compared to a dude who sits on his ass all day. but we all have different metabolism. also keep in mind look at all the stuff that insanity is running on his other thread. i dont think i've run that many compounds in the past 2 years total. i usually run 1 or 2 compounds tops per cycle. that type of IF diet is a very advanced method and one i will do myself ONLY WHEN I'M ON!! and of course I will add Forged Burner 1 cap in the morning helps my mind shut off wanting to be hungry and I can go hours and hours without food. and i would say gear would actually be even better on IF cause you can put some plasma protein into your body during that time, sounds like a perfect way to utilize it.

now during PCT and bridge i will up my carbs even if it means adding some fat. i'm willing to trade off a bit. but again if you run steroids nonstop then you don't have to worry about pct or bridging.

but this thread is about a supplement that helps feed the muscles. not sure how it turned into a diet debate.
Here Steve is a copy paste of a post I wrote in my thread about what you're saying:

Steve, I can't really agree with this. Yes, this is hardcore cutting pre-contest cycle but I can do just fine while cruising on 250mg's of test per week and maintain my weight without any problems. Maintaining muscle mass when you are above 10% body fat is easy even when fasting for long periods of time. It's when you get really lean then it becomes a bitch because your body starts fighting against you. But as you seem pretty experienced to me I am pretty sure you have been there, done that and so you probably know what I am talking about.

If you have ever done any serious bodybuilding competition (which I highly doubt) you would have known what it takes to retain muscle mass at that low body fat and workout regime. It's not about IF at all, guys with 6 meals per day run the same stuff, most of them even much more than I. Many guys I am competing against run 2g of tren per week, 15iu's of HGH per day along the regular 2grams of test per week and a few other compounds ... This is the ugly bodybuilding truth. And if it wasn't for the competition, I would never ever run a cycle like that.

I see we are quite the opposite here
:) I don't like eating at all. In fact I could say I hate food lol. I was a picky eater since I was a kid. It took me a tremendous amount of discipline and force feeding myself to bulk up to my current weight. But my gym buddies tell me that this is exactly what makes me able to diet down to contest shape several times a year .. Even when dieting really hard I barely ever feel any hunger. If I get busy I can easily forget about food for the whole day no matter how lean I am.
i would say it totally depends on your goals, what you are on, your lifestyle etc etc.

generally guys who dig ditches all day are gonna have a tough time putting on weight compared to a dude who sits on his ass all day. but we all have different metabolism. also keep in mind look at all the stuff that insanity is running on his other thread. i dont think i've run that many compounds in the past 2 years total. i usually run 1 or 2 compounds tops per cycle. that type of IF diet is a very advanced method and one i will do myself ONLY WHEN I'M ON!! and of course I will add Forged Burner 1 cap in the morning helps my mind shut off wanting to be hungry and I can go hours and hours without food. and i would say gear would actually be even better on IF cause you can put some plasma protein into your body during that time, sounds like a perfect way to utilize it.

now during PCT and bridge i will up my carbs even if it means adding some fat. i'm willing to trade off a bit. but again if you run steroids nonstop then you don't have to worry about pct or bridging.

but this thread is about a supplement that helps feed the muscles. not sure how it turned into a diet debate.

Ok thanks. Soz bout takin it of topic. :)
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