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If you killed someone and then 50 years later on your deathbed would you confess?


Plat Hero
Let's say that there are two scenarios :

#1 You killed someone's child and hid the body. Never to be found. As you lay dying with the life fading out of your eyes, would you confess to this and tell them where to find the body. Just to give that family some closure?

#2 You killed someone and the body was found. You did it in such a horrible dispicable way that even Satan was mortified. The crime was never solved but over the years people have come forward to claim they did it and seek the notorious fame. But were all proven false because of certain details of the crime that were lacking and they couldn't have known. As you lay there in bed, your bowels getting ready to make their mad dash for freedom when your death rattle signals their starting gate, would you confess to the crime and achieve the infamous legend that will go along with it?
No in both cases. I got away with it...why ruin that at the very end? Why tarnish my memory for my loved ones? There's no upside to confessing as far as I'm concerned.
depends whether you are a god fearing person i suppose. if not, go with canadian hitmans suggestion, it would kill your family to hear, so leave it out.
i imagine most people that believe in jeebus would say you must confess your sins before you die.
prob not.....obviously whoever i killed deserved it!
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