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I hope you assholes are happy

Wow, you must have spent a good 30 mins trying to find that!
Do you work? Have a life? or live off of EF ever?!

And I'm dysfunctional. Uh huh!

I didn't spend any time at all finding that. aside from posting the link. It's funny cuz it's true though.

Yes I work, I make a shit ton of money and all I really do is post on jelly?

I'd say you are dysfunctional. You remind me a lot of b i k i n i m o m
how would I remind you of B M?

She made false accustions about her ex husband...took stabs at him every chance she got

You make false accusations about BRR and talk shit every chance you get. Then when he pops in a thread you run and try and get him banned.
It's because of me being a therapist that I know better, people act diffeernt in different circumstances, I do not act the same with my mom as I do with my boss, my husband, facebook or EF, we all act differently according to who we talk to and where we are, we're bio-psico-social creatures

I rarely tell someone on FB to STFU or something like that but I do it here all the time because it's a different place with different people, as Cindy said, the internet is now a part of internet lives therefore it is it's own space and therefore it's own set of interactions, but there is no set of rules of conduct alike wherever you go, sometimes in order to be nice to people in the real world I have to vent here, it's a process... just because ur a jer online you dont hae to be in real life, maybe you are acting like that purposely online, then again maybe you're not... humans are unpredictable, no one fits a mold.

Fawk... Nan, I need therapy...
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