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How possible to gain 15-20lbs off this cycle?


New member
Alright, so I decided to break down this cycle and do a Tren/Prop cycle. This is my first time using tren and I thought I would get some feedback on this. I know my diet is going to have to be in check and also my workouts.... BTW I have juiced in two years.

Currently 6' 195lbs now

1-4 40mg dbol
1-8 100mg Tren Ace EOD
1-8 100mg Test prop EOD

Meal 1 = 8:00 A.M.
- 8 egg whites (0/3/28) 131 cals
- 1 Cup Dry Oatmeal (5/51/12) 291 cals
- 1/4 Cup Sugar Free Syrup (0/7/0) 25 cals
- 1/4 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/3/2) 21 cals
- Multivitamin

Post-Workout = 10:15 A.M.
- 2 Servings AI Protein (1/2/48) 204 Cals
- 1/4 Cup Dry Oatmeal (1/13/3) 73 Cals
- 2 Tbsp Dextrose (0/19/0) 73 Cals
- 1 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/12/8) 86 Cals

Meal 2 = 1:30 P.M.
- 8 oz Chicken Breast (5/0/44) 236 Cals
- 3 oz Whole Wheat Pasta (1/59/12) 274 Cals
- 1.5 Cup Broccoli (0/8/4) 41 Cals

Meal 3 = 4:30 P.M.
- 8 oz Chicken Breast (5/0/44) 236 Cals
- 1 Medium Sweetpotato (4/28/2) 152 Cals
- 1 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/12/8) 86 Cals

Meal 4 = 7:30 P.M.
- 1 Whole Wheat Bagel (1/46/9) 216 Cals
- 1 Tbsp Natty PB (8/3/4) 210 Cals
- 1 Cup Fat Free Milk (0/12/8) 86 Cals

Meal 5 = 9:30 P.M.
- 2 Servings Cereal (6/28/20) 202 Cals
- 1.5 Cup Fat Free Milk (1/18/13) 128 Cals
- 1 Tbsp Flax Oil (14/0/0) 125 Cals

Meal 6 = 11:30 P.M.
- 1.5 Cups Fat Free CC (3/9/42) 245 Cals
- 1 Tbsp Natty PB (8/3/4) 105 Cals

Totals: (66F/354C/313P) 3199 Cals

Im might change the fat free milk to 2% so it should add into the cal/fat intake..BTW I stole this meal plan. Input would be greatly appreciated...
if i can suggest doing the tren 6 weeks only especially since this is your first run with it and we don't know what kinds of sides and recovery issues you may have. and the dbol at 30mg a day instead of 40.

reason being the dbol may give you unwanted sides and 30 is ample for your size. i usually do 20 myself and i'm 188.

also do you have your pct and on cycle support on hand?
if i can suggest doing the tren 6 weeks only especially since this is your first run with it and we don't know what kinds of sides and recovery issues you may have. and the dbol at 30mg a day instead of 40.

reason being the dbol may give you unwanted sides and 30 is ample for your size. i usually do 20 myself and i'm 188.

also do you have your pct and on cycle support on hand?

Yessir, Ive been debating on 6 or 8 weeks.
Ill drop it to 30mg's
Yup I have letro, Arimidex, and HCG on hand. I was thinking about getting some caber? I think that what someone recommended. Its a new product to me..
I totally agree with throwing in some almonds into your diet but make sure they are raw so you can benefit from all the good fats.
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