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HONESTLY, do chicks judge on how much money guys make?

Darlin' listen... I don't know you in "the real world" I only know you by what you post on elite.

I think that the reason that you are having difficulties with women has nothing to do with your career and more to do with how you view women in general.

Listen, I am a go-go dancer. How well do you think THAT goes over with men? Seriously, if you were interested in me for all sorts of reasons but then found out that that is how I currently support me and my children, what would YOU SAY?

I tell EVERY GUY POINT BLANK - I AM A GO-GO DANCER.. And wait to see what their reactions are.

Most say, "WOO-HOO!!! EZ, FINE PUSSY!!" I REALLY want to have ANYTHING to do with them after that. :rolleyes:

A few less say, "It isn't that I am judging you...." and then go on to judge me. Some people are so transparent that it isn't even funny.

In the 17 months that I have been dancing maybe 5 men said, "That is just your job and not WHO you are." 2 of the men were men that I loved VERY deeply... The other three are PURELY FRIENDS - meaning no sex, no kissing, ONLY PLATONIC STUFF.

It goes both ways darlin'.... You just have to be more selective about the type of women who you give YOUR VALUABLE time to.

If it doesn't work out, learn what you need to learn and move on. All women are not materialistic trick hos with morals of an alley cat just as not all men lie (although I am beginning to doubt the last part of that statement. :()
madbomber31 said:
i'd guess yes, though i wouldnt like to believe it due to the fact i work for a NON PROFIT (which means i dont profit either). so i do good things but dont get paid... that makes me less desirable?/

Yes.. they do.
and bm just so we are clear... all things would not be equal in my situation... :) i'm talking taking a GREAT GUY who doesnt make jack for money..
Yes its ME. I'm busy and don't get here much.

Read what Bikinimom said......learn it. Women today are just like that. They could care less about personality and gooey things like that. to preface this....let me tell ya. I'm 36 years old, rather good looking, have my own house, great personality, actually a sensitive guy. So why am I telling you this?? To tell you why I'M ALONE. One I don't look like Brad Pitt. Two I'm NOT rich. Women are raised today to belive that a man is judged by what he earns. PERIOD. Three I'm 5'9". Its ironic all my life I've never had problems finding women.......but women like Bikinimom are everywhere now. If you are an under 6 foot male, NOT a milllionare.....todays woman is TAUGHT that you simply don't matter. Look at the chicks on Joe Millionaire. Think this is just a few wacko's?? Heck no.............this is what women are like nowadays. If the "settle" for you they will drop you in a second for a better guy. Its happened to me so many times its sick. So I just work out and live my life for ME. Sadly Bikinimom is THE prototypical woman of today. No matter how much money she makes.....the guy with the bucks will always catch her eye.

women generally prefer guys with a few extra bucks.

But as your income goes up beyond what women (or anyone) encounters regualrly, women (and guys) are intimidated and you end up keeping to yourself a lot.

or so I heard.
talonracer said:
the guy with the bucks will always catch her eye.

thats always how it works with dancers...

but i understand exactly what you are saying.. i just hope you are prepared to read a 17 page reply by BM...
Jetisin said:

Why does "dirt poor" equate to not going anywhere in life?

He can be dirt poor but bust his ass off and give 110% in trying to make a better living. However, that wouldn't matter to women if he didn't have the $$ to back it up.

Listen Darlin'... been there, done that. I busted my ass and gave 110%, deprived myself of EVERY worldly pleasure so that my family could have what we needed and we DID prosper. So now, what do I have to show for it? A bitter ex who will stop at nothing to destroy ME because I had the balls to kick his abusive ass out (I only kicked him out after he physically abused me ONCE.) while he is squandering TONS of OUR CHILDREN'S MONEY to give to his cunt attorney.

It is just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is a poor man.

And for the record the first man that I deeply loved after my ex and I split WAS DIRT POOR, but richer than many men who have A TON OF MONEY that I have met since.
talonracer said:
Yes its ME. I'm busy and don't get here much.

Read what Bikinimom said......learn it. Women today are just like that. They could care less about personality and gooey things like that. to preface this....let me tell ya. I'm 36 years old, rather good looking, have my own house, great personality, actually a sensitive guy. So why am I telling you this?? To tell you why I'M ALONE. One I don't look like Brad Pitt. Two I'm NOT rich. Women are raised today to belive that a man is judged by what he earns. PERIOD. Three I'm 5'9". Its ironic all my life I've never had problems finding women.......but women like Bikinimom are everywhere now. If you are an under 6 foot male, NOT a milllionare.....todays woman is TAUGHT that you simply don't matter. Look at the chicks on Joe Millionaire. Think this is just a few wacko's?? Heck no.............this is what women are like nowadays. If the "settle" for you they will drop you in a second for a better guy. Its happened to me so many times its sick. So I just work out and live my life for ME. Sadly Bikinimom is THE prototypical woman of today. No matter how much money she makes.....the guy with the bucks will always catch her eye.

Sorry, you are DEAD WRONG.

My exhusband - the man that I dedicated all but the last two years of my adult life to was 5'9", fairly attractive but not model material, had a good natty physique but was no mass monster, and didn't have a pot to piss in when we got married. He was 29 I was 22. He was a draftsman that was studying to get his electrician's license. Though he earned good money (no where near rich or even "well off") I knew he wasn't happy at with his career so I supported him and urged him to get his license so that we could be self-employed. I had a job as an administrative assistant because I didn't finish college, got married instead. I brought my paycheck home to him and he handled all the finances. At the height of the recession we decided to begin our own electrical contracting business and then I "suddenly" became pregnant with our first child after only 13 months of desperately trying to conceive. I had a crummy dead end job that I hated but thanked God that we had health benefits because of it. When I was 4/5 months pregnant I got layed off.

So there we were, pregnant in the early 90's just starting our own business and me with no job. Who the hell would hire a pregnant woman?

You want to talk about being absolutely terrified?!

We went on to have 3 more children in 4 years, expanded our business and bought a new home. I never worked outside of our home but stayed with our children 24/7 and took care of all the aspects of our business that did not include actually turning the screwdriver. If I had a dime for every time I pryed a baby off my breast to run to answer that phone to MAKE DAMNED SURE that we got that customer I wouldn't have waited so long to divorce my ex's ungrateful ass. I wore hand-me-down clothes as did my children, bought baby items from yard sales and second hand from the circulars, and never bought anything unless it was MAJOR on sale. I cooked, cleaned, sewed and spent endless hours home alone with our children because I trusted NO ONE as they are all I ever had in life.

Now I am 35. My girls are 10 1/2 down to 6. I bust my ass ALONE to pay our bills and fight to keep my girls healthy, safe and happy.

I am not all that and a bag of chips darlin' but I certainly know what I am worth.

I can and do struggle ALONE to take care of us, so sorry Darlin' if I am going to give up my freedom someday to be with a man - the fact that he will be bright, sensitive, have a wonderful sense of humor, be kind, supportive of me, and respectful, kind and caring GOES WITHOUT SAY... BUT he will also be able to keep us financially secure. Does he have to have millions and be 6' 4" and drop dead gorgeous? Hell no... BUT he will have more than enough to share with me and my children.

Looks.. are they important? To some extent, but that is not my primary concern. I like older men. If a man is in his 40's and doesn't have a pot to piss in then, call me whatever name you want, I am not interested. I already got one of those in my life - MY EX.

And out of curiosity what does my being a dancer have to do with my view on this? Would it please you to know that I NEVER EVER date the customers? Never have, never will. (or my co-workers for that matter) If I were a waitress or a salesperson then what would you say? I dance because I CAN. Most women in my station of life CAN NOT and that is why you do not see it so frequently. I have what some consider to be a pretty face, a very nice physique (usually the best in any club where I work), I move well and have a beautiful smile. So I don't understand what the problem is...

Safe to say though, you guys who bitch so much about women judging you for your height, job, money you make or percieved lack thereof seem awfully quick to judge me based on MY JOB.

It is just my job... not WHO I AM.

Perhaps you gentleman oughtta take a good hard look in the mirror.
Why is there another thread with the same name?? This board is going nuts. I posted this answer of all answers from a very sensible female in the twin thread.

Originally posted by madbomber31
i'd guess yes, though i wouldnt like to believe it due to the fact i work for a NON PROFIT (which means i dont profit either). so i do good things but dont get paid... that makes me less desirable?/

The answer is yes. Yes, Some chics will not go out with you if they find out you don't make alot of money. What this means is that you're not gonna be able to get the lazy chics who are too lazy to make their own money, and you are also not going to be able to get those superficial and materialistic chics who do make a decent living but will not be satisfied with only 2 mercedes in the garage, they want 5 and a yacht or the deal is off. Sadly, this leaves you only with independent, intelligent women who earn their own keep and would be into a guy who has a big heart. I guess you just can't have it all.

Are you telling me that a girl would choose a really hot guy over an average looking millionaire? I think not.
They would hang off his balls and get free stuff.
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