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Hi Im Kendel - 27 yrs old - 375lbs - help

Bro check out all the info you can on the Lap Band. It has nothing to do with the size of a persons belly. It is a means of super controlling the amount of food a person can eat. Then once you know if you have the SSI you can go on from there.

Ok upward and onward.
I am guessing that you are somewhere around 5'10' more less and the your mid 30s. If you will give me the specifics I can be more exact for you. Anyway right now you should be eating 3000 cals per day for weight loss.

You wrote this,
"I love - chicken, steak/beef, patatos, broccoli, corn, peanut butter, bacon, eggs scrambled, cheese, tomato sauce, apples, carrots, bananas, grapes, cereal, turkey, pork, juices and milk. Peanuts and cheesitz and other low calorie snacks companies make if I have sweats at all."

Lets break this down for you bro.
Eat SOME of the following, and nothing that is not listed below.
LEAN beef
Tomatoes, not sauce
Green Vegetables
WATER Lots of it.

If its not on the list that I put up there then dont eat it bro. Actually for right now you should be thinking GRAZING. That is what is gonna help you the very most aside from some excersizes that I will give you.

IDK how your joints are, but if they dont hurt you then do all the walking that you possible can. Take your dogs and walk. Dont do them together cuz then you are gonna walk less. So do them separately. Its win win for you and them.
If you have short access to stairs then do them several times per day. If not then just walk. Walk fast, walk slow, walk while you day dream. Take a cell phone camera and take pics of stuff you like. Then look for that kind of stuff and walk more.
If you have access to weights then let me know.
But for now just go outside and walk and walk and walk. Walk at a comfortable pace for you so that you enjoy it.

When you eat do it like this.
No snaks. With this plan you wont need to I hope. And if you feel the urge try your best to overcome it.
Eat up to 7 very small meals per day of all or mostly vegetables.
The reason for so many very small meals is so that we can make your metabolism work for you. By eating all these small meals of mostly or all vegetables your body is gonna have to work to digest that food. Typically vegetables are more difficult to digest and so they make your gut work harder to break it all down.
So we are making your body do this many time through out the day and thats a good thing bro!
Also play with your dogs in the house. Get right down on the floor with them, you know they love that bro and it will make make you work.

It would be a good thing for you to put up a log in the jouranls section bro. That way you know peeps are looking in on you to see how your doing and sticking with it. Also when you fall down they are really gr8 at encouraging you to get back up and hit that bitch again.

Good luck bro and I am watching you.:evil:
Bro check out all the info you can on the Lap Band. It has nothing to do with the size of a persons belly. It is a means of super controlling the amount of food a person can eat. Then once you know if you have the SSI you can go on from there.

Ok upward and onward.
I am guessing that you are somewhere around 5'10' more less and the your mid 30s. If you will give me the specifics I can be more exact for you. Anyway right now you should be eating 3000 cals per day for weight loss.

You wrote this,
"I love - chicken, steak/beef, patatos, broccoli, corn, peanut butter, bacon, eggs scrambled, cheese, tomato sauce, apples, carrots, bananas, grapes, cereal, turkey, pork, juices and milk. Peanuts and cheesitz and other low calorie snacks companies make if I have sweats at all."

Lets break this down for you bro.
Eat SOME of the following, and nothing that is not listed below.
LEAN beef
Tomatoes, not sauce
Green Vegetables
WATER Lots of it.

If its not on the list that I put up there then dont eat it bro. Actually for right now you should be thinking GRAZING. That is what is gonna help you the very most aside from some excersizes that I will give you.

IDK how your joints are, but if they dont hurt you then do all the walking that you possible can. Take your dogs and walk. Dont do them together cuz then you are gonna walk less. So do them separately. Its win win for you and them.
If you have short access to stairs then do them several times per day. If not then just walk. Walk fast, walk slow, walk while you day dream. Take a cell phone camera and take pics of stuff you like. Then look for that kind of stuff and walk more.
If you have access to weights then let me know.
But for now just go outside and walk and walk and walk. Walk at a comfortable pace for you so that you enjoy it.

When you eat do it like this.
No snaks. With this plan you wont need to I hope. And if you feel the urge try your best to overcome it.
Eat up to 7 very small meals per day of all or mostly vegetables.
The reason for so many very small meals is so that we can make your metabolism work for you. By eating all these small meals of mostly or all vegetables your body is gonna have to work to digest that food. Typically vegetables are more difficult to digest and so they make your gut work harder to break it all down.
So we are making your body do this many time through out the day and thats a good thing bro!
Also play with your dogs in the house. Get right down on the floor with them, you know they love that bro and it will make make you work.

It would be a good thing for you to put up a log in the jouranls section bro. That way you know peeps are looking in on you to see how your doing and sticking with it. Also when you fall down they are really gr8 at encouraging you to get back up and hit that bitch again.

Good luck bro and I am watching you.:evil:

Great advice zed! Such a good write up and plan.

Kendel I don't know anyone who has not benefited from taking zed's advice which is why I told him to come take a look and extend some knowledge. Hope you can utilize it.

"you will never be happy with your results, but that shouldn't deter you from trying to obtain your goals"

And ps when zed says he is watching...he really is watching :evil:

"you will never be happy with your results, but that shouldn't deter you from trying to obtain your goals"

Sweet advice. I am following it believe me. I'll do some looking into lap band now after I'm done posting. I really only eat small meals as I get full quick so this should be easy for me to do. I do not have access to weights but I have a 5 gal paint bucket that is full that I been using to lift. Playing with the dogs is a good idea my one dog is 78lbs and very strong it just gets hard to play cause I have all title floors so maybe taking him outside is better. I feel great walking cause most of the time its 100% humidity and 90-100 degree each day so when I go outside I get drenched. Also my driveway is on a 45degree angle or more along with my front yard. So I go up and down my driveway for a few minutes and its a work out. I also can't wait for the lawn to grow to get a work out on my hill. Once I'm able to post pics I'll put some up. We have really nice state parks that are great to walk in, one has a board walk over marsh lands and after 1/2 mile you get to a 3 story wooden tower in the middle of nowhere and its great motivation to get to the tower cause the view is amazing which I would like to share a photo of when I get the chance. Thanks again everyone big up to LetsGrow for getting me involved in the site. I'll look into the log section.
Ok bro what your doing sounds all good. You should not be going for any kind of speed at this point. Just "doing" is enough stress for your heart. The most important thing is that you do as much as you can on a daily basis.
Some excersized for you to do.
Body Weight Squats. Go just a little bit past half way down. Through out the day do sets of 10 if you can.
Get in a door way and put your hands on each side of it. Take a few steps back and do push ups. Again through out the day do sets of them. Do as many as you can in each set.
Put sand in your paint pail, about a third full. Then stand with your legs wide apart. Keep you back str8, stick your butt out behind you and swing your pail from between your legs up to about shoulder height. Be sure to check on the wire handle so that it dosnt let go on you.
Do as many of these as you can and do them through out the day.
Every morning take your blood pressure and log it on a sheet of paper. I will ask for this from time to time.
Also will be looking for a log in the Journals section from too bro.:evil:
In you log put down everything that you do every day. I know its a drag but that will help you to keep on track and see exactly how you progress.
Include your food in your log.
Good luck bro.:supercool
Hey Kendel, I've only just noticed this thread, I don't feel there's anything I can add to what Zed's suggested, I just want to let you know I really want you to succeed with your goals, LG is a good bro of mine and any friend of his is a friend of mine. I'll keep an eye out for your log if you start one. I'd recommend starting one and detail what you do day to day, not only will it encourage you seeing your progress but all the other guys can see and give tips, advice and encouragement.

Good luck bro, you can do it.

Hey bro where you at man?
Sorry, I have had a few busy days, doctors appointments, driving to airport, looking for a house. I am getting up and moving but I don't record any of that and tomorrow I will be in the car all day for about 7hrs. My gf is going out of town this weekend so all the house work will be just me.

Mondays work out took it out of me as far and lifting. I was able to go out to the store got some already grilled chicken breast, big bags of carrots and green beans. Mix bag vegetables and some lean beef. I also got 2 1/2 dozen eggs. But that's all I can buy right now. I did already food shop last week and as strict as I wanna be to the foods listed I still need to eat some of the foods I already purchased so when you see my logs you will see a few things I will not buy next trip to the store.

I wanted to know if I could eat fruits. I really enjoy apples and bananas maybe a orange here and there. Also what about orange juice?

I would like someone to point me to a link for the LOGS section as I can't find it. I will not be able to sit down all the time and write a full log and what not but I already use the myfitnesspal app on my phone to record all my stuff. So I could maybe copy the info from the apps webpage and you guys can review and see it or could always create account on the webpage and I am GSXeclipsePSI on there. I record everything on there all my foods I eat and work outs. So some of my days I can't really get up and move and it shows in my logs.

Remember I have major depression, insomnia, post traumatic stress disorder and night terrors,and also borderline personality disorder. It effects me physically and mentally but I do push myself as hard as I can most days just to do the basics so I just want to put that out there so you guys understand. And in my logs it states lunch, dinner, breakfast and snacks. I am grazing just I have to pick a category to put them under. It also keeps track of my water intake which I keep up with. My phone is by my side all day. The myfitnesspal webpage and app are really great.

Also I seem to not be able to eat near 3000 calories. I looked up that my resting metabolic rate is around 2600. That's about max I could eat if I tried without eating bad foods. I'm seeing myself be full around 1500-1800 calories so I ask should I still be trying to eat more? Also I am drinking as much as I can which I could maybe get 2 or 3 more 12oz cups in but about 8 12oz cups is what I'm at now.

Just found out I can post two types of logs from with not needing a account. Click view printable for a more detailed break down. For the past 17 days. All food is correct some works outs not added in. Will do better updating work outs in new entries.
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Bro here's a link to the journals section, of you were looking for "logs" you wouldn't have found it. It's called "my anabolic steroid & bodybuilding journal" this is where everyone keeps their logs :)

My Anabolic Steroid Cycle - Bodybuilding Journal - Bodybuilding Forums

As for fruit, I'd restrict that to post workout, as healthy as it is, fruit has a LOT of sugar (fructose). If you're finding it hard getting down 3,000 cals a day in clean foods don't worry about it, your capacity to eat larger meals will develop just like anything else you try to do your body will adapt.

What's it like for markets where you live? I found open air markets were usually more reasonably priced than supermarkets, if you have any nearby I'd suggest shopping for veg/dairy/farm produce there.
Zedhead already said this. But I would like to second it. Walk walk walk!
Grab the dogs and make a goal distance. 1 mile or 2 , what ever. They will love you more for it.
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