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Help me out Brohams!!!

chefbone said:
Hey V, thanks for the input. I do understand the "Need for the Army" 100%. I don't plan on failing, it just isn't an option.
I have been running 2 miles every morning for the last 2 months. I know this is just a crumb of what I'll be running while I'm in. So, for the past three days, I've added another 2 mile run in the afternoon. Walk, crawl, run(lol). Next week I'll add a third 2 miler at night. Within the next 2-3 months, I should be running 5 miles twice a day. I hope that is not pushing it.
So, I should give up weights? What if I work out light 3 times a week with high reps? I do push-up and sit-ups every morning(50 p-u's in 2 min, 80 s-u's in 2 min). Slowly, but surely, I'll be where I need to be.
Do you have an exact training regimen I should follow? It would be beneficial!!
Hey man If want it bad you will make it and do just fine, go for it and good luck
If I were you I wouldn't worry about bulking up too much. Like a lot of other people said focus on cardio. I am not in the Army but I am in the Air Force stationed at Ramstein, GE, and I have a lot of Army friends. Most special forces guys I have seen coming through here going down range are not what you would consider big in terms of bodybuilding. They are generally solid and very lean. If you spend a lot of time bulking up before you go you will probably lose a lot of it in basic. You are given very little time to eat and you can forget about feeding your muscles six times a day if that is what you do now. You will also be strictly on a running/calesthinic routine so you will not have the excessive weight to challenge your muscles. I think you should pass on the cycle because it will be money wasted due to losing the muscle in basic and not having access to any gear for a while. As far as testing for it, I really don't think they do unless they have reason to believe you are using. Tests for roids have to be performed separately from drug analysis and are very expensive for the goverment. They have too many people to test and that would add up quickly so if you did want to do the cycle you would be safe. I have known of many people to get busted for drug use but am yet to hear of one person testing positive for roids. I hope this helps you at least a little and I have to say you are the man for accepting such a challenge as Ranger training.
Yeah, I've pretty much have made up my mind not to do another cycle. You have a valid point: I'll lose most of the muscle from the cycle in basic anyway. Right now my primary objective is to reduce some bf% and bulid up my endurance. I'm surprised how well I have adjusted to the cardio already. Thanks for the reply and be safe brother.
chefbone said:
Whoa....., slow your role, princess. You started talking shit as if I had no chance on making. Dude, you have no idea who I am. Nor do I know who you are. One thing I do know is this, you can't spell to save your life. And if some monkey-fuckin', illiterate douche-bag as yourself has the mental capacity to make it as a Ranger, I am more than certain that I can too.
Have a nice day , Junior.

p.s. If you were a Ranger you should know about covering your tracks, right.
So,if you feel the urge to re-post on this thread again, use a spell check to save yourself from embarassment.

p.p.s Thanks for the bomb :heart: :heart:
they dont care if you can spell or not it mens spelling goind to save youre life or the gay in the foxhole next to have no clue what youre in for.
I did not mean for my first post to come of like I was saying you couldent make it.I was just saying how hard it was going to be.beleave me they will be saying much werse things to you when you get there so if what I say bothers you.youre fucked....there gonna love fucken with you...hop you ant that fat when you get I said have a nice time bitch. :evil:
You're funny.
1. I know what I'm in for. I'm signing up voluntarily, remember?
2. Worse things have been said to me. If you think for one second that your words bother me at all, you're more ignorant than I originally expected.
3. Now listen carefully princess, I am in no way, shape or form fat. 14% bf after bulking for three months is by no means fat. 14% was 6 weeks ago and I've been cutting hardcoreever since.

I'm sorry you're so miserable but please don't take it out on me.

Keep it real Junior, I'll send your illiterate ass a postcard.

Hasta la Bye-Bye, Princess:heart: :heart: :heart:
needtogetas said:
they dont care if you can spell or not it mens spelling goind to save youre life or the gay in the foxhole next to have no clue what youre in for.
I did not mean for my first post to come of like I was saying you couldent make it.I was just saying how hard it was going to be.beleave me they will be saying much werse things to you when you get there so if what I say bothers you.youre fucked....there gonna love fucken with you...hop you ant that fat when you get I said have a nice time bitch. :evil:

I don't agree with either of you using this board to have a pissing contest, but I have to admit, the way you type and the things you say can be pretty hilarious. Never hurts to get a good laugh in.

chefbone said:
You're funny.
1. I know what I'm in for. I'm signing up voluntarily, remember?
2. Worse things have been said to me. If you think for one second that your words bother me at all, you're more ignorant than I originally expected.
3. Now listen carefully princess, I am in no way, shape or form fat. 14% bf after bulking for three months is by no means fat. 14% was 6 weeks ago and I've been cutting hardcoreever since.

I'm sorry you're so miserable but please don't take it out on me.

Keep it real Junior, I'll send your illiterate ass a postcard.

Hasta la Bye-Bye, Princess:heart: :heart: :heart:
you keep using words like princess and throwing out hurts to guys and they will be throwing you out for other ressons.on a better not you are joinig the service so I respact that.I did not mean to make you think I was saying you kouldent make it.lets squash this and good luck I hope you like it.
way out their on that combat zone!!!
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