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Heavy Tricep Work


New member
I have really decided to come away from heavy dips for a while because the weight is getting too intense for my shoulder girdle and I fear I am coming close to an injury. Board presses are really bringing my strength up, however.

What other exercise would some of the stronger benchers recommend for benching besides board presses and dips.

I have been doing skull crushers, but after about 2 weeks my elbows are killing me. JM's also hurt the elbows

And cable pushdowns dont do anything for me.

any suggestions ?

hey mike,

I like elbows out extensions, normal dumbell presses, and french presses -- those are just some options even though it sounds like you were looking more for heavy barbell work.

I've used close grip bench in the past as supplemental work for heavy triceps with good success. Otherwise I guess stick with the board presses. And move your grip narrower on all your max effort movements to get more heavy work on the triceps too.

Hopefully somebody else helps you out with some better exercises.
dont forget dumbell work. and witrh the barbell i like rolling extensions, but high boards are my favorite
Whats up bros, how are you. I have been training for over 10 years, but I have geared my routine towards bodybuilding. I am more interested in powerlifting and plan to gear my training towards powerlifting in hopes of competing one day. I weight about 180 and bench 320 x 1 raw. I Know it is not that heavy but over the years I have come a long way. I am looking to increase my bench press at this point in hopes of hitting 365 raw. I hear about these JM presses and board presses, etc, and I really don't have an idea what you are talking about. I am going to check the search and see what I can find out, but the people on this board have always been good to me. Thanx.

A couple of things, #1 320 at 180 raw is great, never underestimate or underachieve your lifts. How many guys in your gym can even bench 3 wheels??

Everyone starts somewhere. #2 Try to get your hands on a Westside video or the George Halbert video, you'll see first hand the Board presses. Its best when you see these things first hand.

I think I solved my problem, it may be considered cheating, but I dont give a crap, it helps me train pain free.

I wrapped my elbows with Inzer knee wraps and it alleviated all of the pain in my elbows, I was able to do JM's and/or skull crusheres with nice weight. I didn't wrap too tight as artificially inflating the poundages I use is not my goal.

I look at it like usign a loose cut back poly when benching, or briefs when squatting, I use a little gear to help me train safely and pain free, I mean how many of us could go as wide as we do without a good pair of briefs adn not have hip pains???

Just thought I would share the love.

Natty Mike
for your elbows try putting liniment on them and then covering them with elbow sleeves for the workout, it works well for me. the knee wraps seems like a good idea to. whatever it takes to get the jon done right

I'm sure you have heard me bicth about my bicep tendonitus, the elbows acting up is a recent pain, anyway I gobb on the capsicum I mean I use so much on my arms I think my arms have built a tolerance to it, if even a tiny bit gets anywhere else on my body its on fire, but on my arms its nothing, I always used it on my elbows and I always wrap my arms with neoprene sleeves and ace bandage. I guess the weights are getting heavy and my body is getting old so like you said, "I gotta do whatever I have to do to get the job done" and thats what I do.

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