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have you ever been around someone with severe adhd?

Smurfy said:
yes, i was with my ex husband for 10 yrs. the man couldnt sit still and paced everywhere for everything. it would take him an hour to put on socks because he was so preoccupied and distracted all the time.

it's exhausting to experience people like that.

kinda sad now that i think about it but have lost a few relationships with friends, roomates and women as a direct result of that when it went untreated...

hyp1 said:
my sisters husband has a bad case of it.the dude can't sit still or shut the fuck up for longer than 2 minutes.he's constantly talking to himself out loud,making weird fucking noises or compulsively walking from room to room or in and out of the house.the odd thing is he doesn't do drugs or drink at all,he's naturally fucked up - apparently.I can't stand to even be in the same room with the dude without wanting to choke the hell out of him.

I don't think it's going to last very long,she's like a babysitter and it will wear thin quickly enough.I think he desperately needs to be on a thorazine intravenous drip.

tell her to have him get his thyroid hormone levels checked. The rest of you too (those that are "adhd" or know someone who is).
hyp1 said:
my sisters husband has a bad case of it.the dude can't sit still or shut the fuck up for longer than 2 minutes.he's constantly talking to himself out loud,making weird fucking noises or compulsively walking from room to room or in and out of the house.the odd thing is he doesn't do drugs or drink at all,he's naturally fucked up - apparently.I can't stand to even be in the same room with the dude without wanting to choke the hell out of him.

I don't think it's going to last very long,she's like a babysitter and it will wear thin quickly enough.I think he desperately needs to be on a thorazine intravenous drip.

LOL about wanting to choke the hell out of him. Yeah, I've got a friend like that. He's a great guy, but I can't stand to be around him very long. Very restless, could never sit still long enough to watch a movie.
I'm a frigging ADHD magnet and definitely do not have it myself.

My first and current husbands both have ADD, my second and third bosses were both ADHD, my third boss was as severe as what hyp is describing, noises and all. If he needed something done in a hurry he had a tendency to charge into my office and basically hover behind me, shifting from foot to foot, jingling pocket change. He didn't realize he was doing it, he'd just get caught up in whatever he was currently thinking about and forget where he was and what he was doing. I'd have to shoo him away. He was a very trying person to work for, I had to be his walking memory, anticipating everything he might need to realize he suddenly forgot.

My adult son is extremely ADHD. He's been getting therapy/treatment for it for most of his life and has developed a LOT of coping strategies, but to say he has a talent for pushing people's buttons in the extreme is the understatement of the decade.
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