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For you over 250 lbs...

You must spread some Karma around before giving it to blut wump again.
Who's the sawed off little turd? I'm 5'10", 5'11" with no shoes on so with shoes on I'm just about 6'. I wish I was taller but 6" isn't a sawed off little turd I hope.

Guinness5.0, on page 2 said exactly what I've been meaning. "Taller shouldn't be a hinderence, unless the height is accompanied by unusual proportions". If your arms arn't draging the ground or hitting your knees than your in proportion with your weight and frame so your height should not effect the amount of weight you can do. If height is such a hindrence (spelling) than why are most strong men well over 6'?
I'm 6'5 and most of my height come from my legs.

Everyone I've seen so far has talked about bench but what about squats? ;)

When I used to train with the other football players in high school, one of our O-linemen was squatting over 500 and was always ragging me because I couldn't get more than 300. (This was paralell with a beeper)

I finally really thought about it one day and realized that since he was about 5'7 it only took about a 5-6" drop for him to be parallel while it was taking (and still takes) me about a 9-10"+ drop for parallel. No matter how heavy the weight is, it seems to take more energy for a guy with longer legs to squat. So when I see a guy that's under 6'0 squatting 400lbs, while it is impressive, it's not as impressive as a 6'5"+ guy doing the same weight.
VSUdude said:
I'm 6'5 and most of my height come from my legs.

Everyone I've seen so far has talked about bench but what about squats? ;)

When I used to train with the other football players in high school, one of our O-linemen was squatting over 500 and was always ragging me because I couldn't get more than 300. (This was paralell with a beeper)

I finally really thought about it one day and realized that since he was about 5'7 it only took about a 5-6" drop for him to be parallel while it was taking (and still takes) me about a 9-10"+ drop for parallel. No matter how heavy the weight is, it seems to take more energy for a guy with longer legs to squat. So when I see a guy that's under 6'0 squatting 400lbs, while it is impressive, it's not as impressive as a 6'5"+ guy doing the same weight.
you do realize that this is a huge difference? that guy would have probably still outsquatted you had he been taller with similar proportions. for all you know the difference would have been much larger had he been bigger. this doesn't qualify as an example for short guys having an advantage over taller guys.
I dont think some tall guys like to think of shorter people outperforming them in any way. Outside the gym, the taller guy is always the 'big' guy so it must be rationalized away if a 'smaller' man is lifting more than him.

I hear the excuse that ''well I have long arms'' and smile, as that's almost always coming from the same person who thinks of themselves as 'bigger' in the muscled sense than a 'smaller' guy with a way greater ponderal index (weight:height ratio). I had one hocky boy telling me how big he was compared to the resident gym tree stump at my last gym ( who was 5'4" and 240). Doesn't work that way :rainbow:

wow that got way off topic

to bring it back, my best lifts @ 250ish were 705 deadlift (actually that was done at 240), 635 box squat, 425 bench and rack pulling 675 from below the knees for 8. Of course I was lucky being short :)
I'd REALLY like to see a comprehensive analysis of height, weight, limb lengths & diameters, tendon lengths & diameters, fiber types & number, etc. of Olympic weightlifters, for example. I'd really like to see if, for example, the length of the shin versus the length of the femur taken with the width of the pelvis or something like that makes a difference and, if so, how much of a difference? Or does it just come down to training and CNS factors. . . .

I tell myself that my long femurs make me a crappy squatter. LoL
I guess I made kind of a shitty analogy silver_shadow.

I suppose it just seems common sense to me that moving X amount of weight 10" uses more energy than moving it 6" or so. But it also seems that many things involving the human body don't always follow common sense.

Anyway, after reading everyone else's numbers I can barely bring myself to post my own...:worried: but here they are:

Height: 6'5
Weight: 270
Bench Max: 305
Squat Max: 320

These are the only two lifts I've ever maxed on.
Protobuilder said:
I'm feeling discriminated against. Why doesn't anyone ask what us powerhouses in the 170 range are lifting? LoL

It's all about the relative strength, yo.

The contention on this thread began with a comment made about relative strength from a guy that weighs 170 lbs.

You never hear the heavier guys discounting what anyone else is lifting unless they are makin an arse out of themselves.

But let a heavier guy put some weight on the bar and there's this little banty rooster piping up about how much he weighs.

If you look at weight, you have to look at a lot of factors. Like I said earlier in my post, that no one responded too...I have lost 17 lbs over the last three lifts are the exact I lifting more weight because I weigh less....NOPE, SAME WEIGHT.
Cause you lost fat not muscle. Get laid up in bed for a month (injury/sickness), lose about 5-10lbs of muscle and then see what your bench is.
Tweakle said:
I dont think some tall guys like to think of shorter people outperforming them in any way. Outside the gym, the taller guy is always the 'big' guy so it must be rationalized away if a 'smaller' man is lifting more than him.

I hear the excuse that ''well I have long arms'' and smile, as that's almost always coming from the same person who thinks of themselves as 'bigger' in the muscled sense than a 'smaller' guy with a way greater ponderal index (weight:height ratio). I had one hocky boy telling me how big he was compared to the resident gym tree stump at my last gym ( who was 5'4" and 240). Doesn't work that way :rainbow:

Doesn't bother me one bit. I am yet to see someone in my gym taller then me, yet out of the regulars, I'm near the bottom strength wise. As for being the "big" guy outside of the gym, sure. It's not everyday you see someone 6'5" 280 pounds, but that doesn't mean I like being big or like the attention it brings me either. I would much rather be 5'11" or 6' then 6'5". Then I wouldn't be expected to be strong, and I could fit in with standard sized people.
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