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For you over 250 lbs...

I'm 295 right now and I won't use my current numbers because they still suck from my 6 month lay off from the gym. Here's my lifetime best.

Bench 405 raw
Squat 505 @ 265 bw belt and knee wraps
Deadlift 550 belt only

Pushpress 315
Seated shoulder press 275x3
Rack pull 705
Leg press 1,600x4
Hammer curls 100lb db's for 5 each arm

280 or so

Raw Squat: 662
Front Squat Raw: 441 (needs to be beat)
OLY Squat: 603 I think
Close Grip: 412 (rarely press much flat)
Log Clean and Strict Press: 300 x 1
Deadlift: 730 x 1, raw, after box squats
Deadlift from 14" (normal is about 9.5") 705 x 6 on Sunday

I'm not that great at gym lifts though...I'm much better at the Strongman Events.
b fold...quit screwin around and put up some real weight...
thebigbabboon said:
b fold...quit screwin around and put up some real weight...

I'm trying as best as I can. There are people about my same size or a little bigger doing A LOT more than I am as well. I just have to GET there.
All joking aside. B Fold you are throwing up some major weight. It is easy to get lazy at my gym. It's filled with weekend warriors, blue-haired geriatrics, and middle age crisis.

When we go heavy, its gets attention. You can become comfortable with that. And not push yourself. Because nobody else is moving any weight.
No offense to anyone but I'm a little guy (5'10", 205lbs) so the weight lifted should be looked at as a percentage of the individuals body weight. I am much more impressed when a guy my size reps out 325 with perfect form than when a hoss (fat or just big) gets on the bench and see's how high he can bounce 350 or so off his chest. Alot of people watch in amazement at this feat of strength but I watch just to see if there chest cavity will collapse. Just thought I'd give a view point from a little mans eyes.
Who said anything about bad form? A gym jackass is a jackass no matter how big or small.

And there is a point of diminishing returns. It is easier for a 150 pounder to get a triple bodyweight squat then it is for a 300 pounder.
As long as good form is maintained and the weight is a decent amount over the individual's body weight than more power to them. Besides just the simple weight factor why is the last statment above true? I know your right, it only makes sense but if you look at the numbers and such the 300lber should be able to advance as quickly as the 150lber. If you take away the fact the lighter person will be doing less weight look at it from the other side. The 300lber has more body mass, more muscle mass, more stability, and more acomadated to move the heavier weight. With all that said I guess the main problem is that damn thing called gravity. 600lbs is pretty damn heavy any way you look at it.
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