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First cycle, test-e, any suggestions


New member
Hey, I obtained some test e 20 ml's at 250 mg per ml about 2 years ago.. I was going to do it way back then but decided to hold off because I had some elbow problems with my left elbow on and off and that pain has finally subsided for awhile now. So, my stats are I am 5'7.5 and around 160 pounds. Yes I know you may think I'm to light to be running this but I am 22, almost 23, and have done extensive research on the topic of AAS, Training, and Diet.. I have my diet down, and my training down, I train very intensely.

So I decided I am going to get the PP Testosterone recovery stack to do for PCT, I am going to get HCG and use that at 250 iu's every 4 days for weeks 3-12 (If I end up doing a 12 week run, might just do 10 week, input from this thread may decide that). I am also getting some A-Dex to keep on hand just in case and may actually run that at a very low dose every 3 days or so to keep estrogen sides down.

So I was wondering what kind of input you guys would have about this..

A. What kind of dosing should I do? If I run it for 12 weeks I should have enough for about 400 mg a week if the vial is actually right at 5000 mg total, it could be a little under so maybe I should only run 350 mg or even 300 mg a week, since it is my first cycle and I only weigh around 160, this could probably be enough to see significant gains.

B. Do you think running HCG at 250 iu every 4 days, and using the PP TRS as my PCT should be good for this "light" cycle?

C. And finally what length do you think would be best? What are the pros and cons of doing 12 weeks vs. 10 weeks?

Thanks a lot for any replies.
i think you have a good plan going and it seems like you have done your research to me. it really doesn't matter if you go 10 or 12 weeks sometimes people stall out around week 10 anyway. this is usually due to not increasing the food intake as they gain muscle tho. anyway just go for 10 and if you feel like you want to extend it then go for it, but if you're tired of pinning then just stop.

your pct is good if you follow it all the way through to the end. perhaps throw in some forged pct as well if you want. the hcg while on will really help your transition into pct and recovery go smoothly. i would hold off on the hcg until week 4 though, but that's just me and it's not really necessary. start your pct around 10-14 days after your last shot (i wait 10 myself).

what's your ai?
400mg/wk is a reasonable dosage for your cycle and it's great that you have PCT planned out and will be including HCG for a 12-weeker. However, I wouldn't consider it a "light" cycle. Anything over about 250mg/wk is plenty to shut off natural tesosterone production and 12 weeks is on the long side so, again, good call on the HCG.

Also (please don't take this as a flame but as the friendly advice it is intended to be) at 22 with your stats, you don't have your diet "down" unless you only want to weigh 160lb. Very few people appreciate how much you have to eat if you want to grow muscle. You probably have a decent physique right now. But if your testosterone levels are normal for a 22-year-old, then you could grow plenty more muscle without steroids simply by eating more.

So be forewarned, if you go on this cycle and don't change the way you eat; you will gain maybe 10 lbs, then lose it all a month after the cycle ends.
Yeah acne is my biggest concern actually, one of the reasons I haven't done the shit yet.. What dosing protocol do you follow when you use aromasin?
400mg/wk is a reasonable dosage for your cycle and it's great that you have PCT planned out and will be including HCG for a 12-weeker. However, I wouldn't consider it a "light" cycle. Anything over about 250mg/wk is plenty to shut off natural tesosterone production and 12 weeks is on the long side so, again, good call on the HCG.

Also (please don't take this as a flame but as the friendly advice it is intended to be) at 22 with your stats, you don't have your diet "down" unless you only want to weigh 160lb. Very few people appreciate how much you have to eat if you want to grow muscle. You probably have a decent physique right now. But if your testosterone levels are normal for a 22-year-old, then you could grow plenty more muscle without steroids simply by eating more.

So be forewarned, if you go on this cycle and don't change the way you eat; you will gain maybe 10 lbs, then lose it all a month after the cycle ends.

Well I started out weighing 104 pounds and have put on 55 pounds in the last 2 years.. I eat about 8 or 9 meals a day already, I'm practically always hungry already. Most people don't weigh 105 pounds at the age of 19, so I can see why you would think I'm to light or don't know how to eat correctly.

I also had meningitis when I was a year old and it gave me nerve damage to my right leg.. my right leg probably has about 15 pounds less muscle on it compared to my left leg so if it was normal I would probably weigh around 175 - 180, you wouldn't guess I only weighed 160 if you saw me with jeans on.
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