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Elite Member Dies - BusinessWeek to publish expose

enway said:
Sad that this kind of investigative journalism may cast EF and the boards in a bad light. From the Perrin posts that George appended to his letter in explanation, it is apparent that he was a different person at night or on weekends, effectively negating any benefits he may have derived from EF's products.
Hope the article is not terribly unkind, and that the fallout doesn't turn into something like the Herbalife debaucle back in the 80's.

Perrin was NEVER a customer of EF.
The trend toward unaccountability in crime and tragedy is disturbing, to say the least.

I find it more than interesting that the majority of people in this society find it absolutely acceptable to police the individual's state of mind, or state of physical development, with total disregard for their actual behavior.

After all, killing someone isn't even a crime any more, is it?

Mr. Spellwin will be fine. Misrepresented, perhaps, but just fine.
Money has a way of lubricating the corridors of conflict.

And you know what they say...any advertising is good advertising.

If only I were more facile with words...
ulter said:
Anyone who works in marketing and PR will tell you any press is good press as long as they get the name right.
This is great for Elite. The traffic here should pick up very nicely for a week.
I don't think the members are going to like what they see however. They will be portrayed in a way that will sell Business Week. As pathetic drug users who congregate and exchange information about illegal drugs on the internet. The traffic will be people who want to see what these kids are saying to each other to encourage the use of these illegal drugs that killed someone. How George portrays us to them is not how the editors will characterize the members here.

I'm not entirely sure that there is not more truth to some of this than most of us would like to admit.
Re: Collision

Elite Fitness just has to be ready for another attack on "free speech" by the leftist media.
Best regards to ALL.

Hey, Fascist... the left wants your money. It's the conservatives that want your rights, drugs, and total assimilation- not to mention your right to disagree with them.
I think that the bottom line is that all you get off of this site is information and the responsibility for what happens as a result of using (or ignoring) the information you get on here rests solely on each individual's shoulders.

For the most part the advice you get on here is good. Every once in a while you see a thread like "I'm 16 and need a good cycle" and the stupid kid gets flamed and told to train several more years before even THINKING about steroids. That's an example of the positive stuff that happens on here and that should be focused on as well.

Silent Method said:
Bros, take some notes. George’s letter is an embodiment of elegance and pure class.

Couldn't agree more. George's letter reflects his intelligence and class and this site does too.
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