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Deca, DBol, Winny

Started a new cycle stack

DECA 50mg Weekly 8 Weeks
Winny 20 Daily 10 Weeks

I have the option to take 10mg D-bol tabs daily- I was thinking of running those for two weeks after I kick on the above thoughts?
Wow that a pretty hefty cycle... what's your history how many cycles have you done in the past? What are your goals? Are you comfortable with virilization?

In general I would never advise a woman to do d-bol its going to cause a good amont of bloat also high chance of virilization. Deca the half life is to long IMO I would go for NPP instead 10mg every other day. In a stack 20 mg of winny is pretty high too. I would say maybe 10mg at most 5mg less chance of sides.
So I didnt take the d-bol just not worth a huge pump for all the sides, I mean that stuff is hardcore.

I'm on my 23rd day of Winny 25 daily and 3 weekly doses in on Deca 75mg

So far on the postive side I am seeing strength gains and completeing huge workouts without becoming fatigued. My sex drive is insane can't seem to get enough.

Negativly I have developed a never ending sore throat, headache is I am not putting down serious water, and I have puffed up like a blowfish 10lbs on the scale I look hugely fat! My skin and hair have become very oily. My BO and sweating have increased. Anywho for now I am going to keep with it and see how things progress.
Depending on your tolerance for sides, the sore throat is usually a sign of the voice changing. It is a pretty hefty cycle for sure. Like QT, I'd be interested in your cycle history too. Good luck!
The soar throat is your voice changing. If that is not an issue finish the cylce. If it is then you need to stop now. Sometimes the voice will go back to close to normal, but usually it doesn't.

I got the 'sore throat' my first run of winny injections a year ago.... I did an experimental cycle, did some EQ, Primo, and finished with Winny (did this before I discovered this site and had the knowledge I have now, so don't bother critiquing that cycle lol I already know)... anyway I did this last's JUNE, almost a year later, and my voice hasn't gone back completely. When I'm off and not doing Katana and other stuff it goes back a little bit, but it'll never be the way it was before I tried AAS. As they say, it all depends on what you're willing to put up with.. I myself kinda like the rhaspy sound it gave me lol I've learned to cope with it, other women don't like it happening to them.
Oh and BTW I agree with QT on the NPP... I'm doing it right now. I have no personal experience with deca, nor do I have any with NPP prior to this cycle (started May 23rd).. between that, the primo, and Katana, I'm already noticing deepening of my voice. I alwayas get it with Katana so it might be due to that..
So here I am at the end of my cycle Wed will be my last 50mg injection of DECA and Friday last 25mg Whinny ( made some adjustments over the run)after dealing with some sides
Oily skin/hair
Darken of facial hair (upper lip)
Horse voice ( which I like)
Insomnia ( off and on)
Super Sexdrive (again enjoyed that)
Puffy Clit ( just more round fuller, enjoying that)
Increased sweating and body oder

I've put on 18lbs, yah I know right in time for summer lol

My deadlifts are up 20lbs and 5 reps
Hit my bench goal almost a year early
I'm lifting heavier and more effectively than ever

However I am training with constant elbow pain and injured my front delt somewhere along the way.

I will folding back in my regular cardio routine as well as my typical calorie intake.

We shall see how the weight and gains are effected!

Happy Lifting Ladies!
So here I am at the end of my cycle Wed will be my last 50mg injection of DECA and Friday last 25mg Whinny ( made some adjustments over the run)after dealing with some sides
Oily skin/hair
Darken of facial hair (upper lip)
Horse voice ( which I like)
Insomnia ( off and on)
Super Sexdrive (again enjoyed that)
Puffy Clit ( just more round fuller, enjoying that)
Increased sweating and body oder

I've put on 18lbs, yah I know right in time for summer lol

My deadlifts are up 20lbs and 5 reps
Hit my bench goal almost a year early
I'm lifting heavier and more effectively than ever

However I am training with constant elbow pain and injured my front delt somewhere along the way.

I will folding back in my regular cardio routine as well as my typical calorie intake.

We shall see how the weight and gains are effected!

Happy Lifting Ladies!
Hey girl, was it water weight? Or clean lbs? I've heard dbol puffs ya up.
I decided against the dbol do I have no idea tomorrow I start my cardio and diet again, I hear though the deca is very long acting so I won't exactly be off even though I stop using. We shall see I work hard and my diet will be clean so I'll keep you posted. I'm pretty sure I'm carrying water weight how much I couldn't tell you.
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