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Damn roid gut....


New member
This is disgusting...once again I look as if I am seven months pregnant on Test/Deca/Dbol (Week 4). Running Arimidex .5mg EOD yet my midsection is way further out than normal. Not sure there's much else I can do, as I don't want to run more than this amount due to cost of the A-dex, plus it is a sufficient amount to prevent any sort of gyno symptoms from appearing. I just ended my dbol intake, so will this problem start to subside? Last cycle as I finished the dbol, I dont think it did subside, but I was not running Arimidex during that particular one.
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dood, i am actually feeling the same way and running a dbol/deca/sust cycle, i am at week 5. I feel like i am fricking pregnant. i was also think that i been eating like 3 times my normal amount anyway. Dont feel too bad dood. If someone has an answer to help us, please fill us in.
any drug makes me like that. I could be 6% and once I eat my gut sticks way out. I hate it. But if you see most body builders there stomach has alittle peak to it till they flex it.

Super Test 2004 said:
DBOL creates a massive amount of bloat. Are either of you using Arimidex or aromasin?
What is the diet like?

Yes, I am using 0.5mg Arimidex EOD. I didn't see as much of the bloat during weeks 1-3, only now in week 4 (going into 5). I suspect the test/deca plays a role in the water retention as well, so I'm just looking for something else I can do to help reduce it a bit.
Is it actual arimidex or "liquidex" alot of bunk/underdosed liquids out there.
jubei said:
Is it actual arimidex or "liquidex" alot of bunk/underdosed liquids out there.

yeah man. I was on 750 mg of test and kept getting itchy nips at 1mg of liquidex ED. i swear it was underdosed.
jubei said:
Is it actual arimidex or "liquidex" alot of bunk/underdosed liquids out there.

No, it is not the liquid version. It is a very miniscule round and white pill. This is the chinese generic version which is still anastrozole, though it is half the price of the brand name Arimidex. It is still expensive as hell though....
i know researchchemicals got shut down, how am i supposed to know where to get good liquid products?
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