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Daily lifting stats for Ricanx99


New member
Thursday December 7th 2006

Todays lifts consisted of shoulders, bis, and tris...
Military Press Seated - 95x10(wu)... 135x10... 155x8... 160x4
Side Lateral Raises - 20x10... 25x10... 30x8
Overhead Dumbell Press - 60x10... 75x8... 90x4
Rear Delt Flyes (pec deck machine) - 80x10... 90x10... 100x8
Alternating Dumbell Curls (standing) - 35x10... 40x10... 45x8
Skull Crushers - 70x10... 70x10... 90x8... 110x4
Hammer Curls - 35x10... 45x8
Tricep Straight Bar Pushdowns - 140x10... 170x10... 200x7
ricanx99 said:
Thursday December 7th 2006

Todays lifts consisted of shoulders, bis, and tris...
Military Press Seated - 95x10(wu)... 135x10... 155x8... 160x4
Side Lateral Raises - 20x10... 25x10... 30x8
Overhead Dumbell Press - 60x10... 75x8... 90x4
Rear Delt Flyes (pec deck machine) - 80x10... 90x10... 100x8
Alternating Dumbell Curls (standing) - 35x10... 40x10... 45x8
Skull Crushers - 70x10... 70x10... 90x8... 110x4
Hammer Curls - 35x10... 45x8
Tricep Straight Bar Pushdowns - 140x10... 170x10... 200x7

I always like to see what other people are doing to kind of compare and see where I may be lacking compared to someone with similar lifts.

I noticed that you only did 160x4 on your last set of milt. press... I can easily do a similar progression and get 160x7-8

But I max out at 80lb db's for presses (7-8 reps).... Even if I start with that exercise

wonder why that would be....
get456 said:
I always like to see what other people are doing to kind of compare and see where I may be lacking compared to someone with similar lifts.

I noticed that you only did 160x4 on your last set of milt. press... I can easily do a similar progression and get 160x7-8

But I max out at 80lb db's for presses (7-8 reps).... Even if I start with that exercise

wonder why that would be....

I'm not really sure why your maxing at 80lbs. I'm not sure how you're routine goes but maybe too many warmups? I wouldn't be able to give a suggestion or idea unless I can get an understanding of your routine. Had I started with dumbells, I'm usually good for 8-10 reps with 90lb dumbells for my top set. As far as the military press goes, I have just started adding those into my routine. I had been using the Smythe Machine for seated military presses and decided to go to the barbell from now on. So I hope my numbers can increase on that. Good Luck!
ricanx99 said:
Thursday December 7th 2006

Todays lifts consisted of shoulders, bis, and tris...
Military Press Seated - 95x10(wu)... 135x10... 155x8... 160x4
Side Lateral Raises - 20x10... 25x10... 30x8
Overhead Dumbell Press - 60x10... 75x8... 90x4
Rear Delt Flyes (pec deck machine) - 80x10... 90x10... 100x8
Alternating Dumbell Curls (standing) - 35x10... 40x10... 45x8
Skull Crushers - 70x10... 70x10... 90x8... 110x4
Hammer Curls - 35x10... 45x8
Tricep Straight Bar Pushdowns - 140x10... 170x10... 200x7

Is this the type of split your going to be doing? What's your goal? The 5x5 is a great way to get both and there are lot's of people here that will agree. You might want to have a look at the sticky at the top of the thread page. Good luck!!
FFQuads said:
Is this the type of split your going to be doing? What's your goal? The 5x5 is a great way to get both and there are lot's of people here that will agree. You might want to have a look at the sticky at the top of the thread page. Good luck!!

I have looked into the 5x5 training and will begin that very soon. I just ended a 8 week routine of Doggcrapp training for strength gains. And they came tremendously. After those 8 weeks, there is the "cruise" period which is what I'm on. I thought about restarting DC but everyone keeps talking about 5x5 and Bill Starr. The 5x5 has been doing great for two friends of mine so I am going to begin that in a week or two. Hopefully I can experience the same gains in strength/size like my two good buddies. Thanks for the idea.
ricanx99 said:
I have looked into the 5x5 training and will begin that very soon. I just ended a 8 week routine of Doggcrapp training for strength gains. And they came tremendously. After those 8 weeks, there is the "cruise" period which is what I'm on. I thought about restarting DC but everyone keeps talking about 5x5 and Bill Starr. The 5x5 has been doing great for two friends of mine so I am going to begin that in a week or two. Hopefully I can experience the same gains in strength/size like my two good buddies. Thanks for the idea.

Good luck with it! It looks like you've done well.
ricanx99 said:
I have looked into the 5x5 training and will begin that very soon. I just ended a 8 week routine of Doggcrapp training for strength gains. And they came tremendously. After those 8 weeks, there is the "cruise" period which is what I'm on. I thought about restarting DC but everyone keeps talking about 5x5 and Bill Starr. The 5x5 has been doing great for two friends of mine so I am going to begin that in a week or two. Hopefully I can experience the same gains in strength/size like my two good buddies. Thanks for the idea.

Gonna be good to have a lifting partner again, can't wait to get home and hit the gym with you sucka!
ZGzaZ said:
Gonna be good to have a lifting partner again, can't wait to get home and hit the gym with you sucka!

Both ya'll look pretty short in your pics. Do you want to start a "Short at Shit" club? We can get shirts made and all get combat boots and head bans???
FFQuads said:
Both ya'll look pretty short in your pics. Do you want to start a "Short at Shit" club? We can get shirts made and all get combat boots and head bans???

Post elsewhere if you wanna be a dick.
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