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Cycle - d-bol/equipoise/winny ???


New member
I have been viewing and reading many posts on this site for a while but finally just joined in. I have alot of questions so here is my first one.

I am 24 yrs old and 6ft 180lbs. I have been working out for 5 years now and have done a cycle of deca and test about 4 years ago. I didnt like all of the water retention and I experienced a small flare up of gyno. I am going to start another cycle of dBol, EQ, and winnie because I am not looking for huge weight gains. I am only planning on using the dBol for 3-4 weeks to jump start my EQ and Winny cycle. Tell me you opinions about this cycle...

D-Bol - 20mg/day - Weeks 1-4
Equipoise - 600mg/week - Weeks 1-12
Winny - 50mg/day - Weeks 6-12

I also want to keep the water off during the D-Bol jump start so I was thinking about using Proviron during weeks 1-4, is that a good idea?

I need some advice and other opinions, and please dont flame me for not wanting to use Test.
Not the best idea but certainly not the worst, if you're going to do this remember its a cutting cycle so expect lean gains, Dbol & EQ horrible Idea, Leave all orals out and run just the EQ at 400mg wk for 12 wks, you are still gonna need PCT.250 mgs of test mixed in there same shot, would make a big difference.
I have been viewing and reading many posts on this site for a while but finally just joined in. I have alot of questions so here is my first one.

I am 24 yrs old and 6ft 180lbs. I have been working out for 5 years now and have done a cycle of deca and test about 4 years ago. I didnt like all of the water retention and I experienced a small flare up of gyno. I am going to start another cycle of dBol, EQ, and winnie because I am not looking for huge weight gains. I am only planning on using the dBol for 3-4 weeks to jump start my EQ and Winny cycle. Tell me you opinions about this cycle...

D-Bol - 20mg/day - Weeks 1-4
Equipoise - 600mg/week - Weeks 1-12
Winny - 50mg/day - Weeks 6-12

I also want to keep the water off during the D-Bol jump start so I was thinking about using Proviron during weeks 1-4, is that a good idea?

I need some advice and other opinions, and please dont flame me for not wanting to use Test.

I hate the cycle lets fix it

1-15 test 250mg ew
1-14 erq 400mg every week
1-14 hcg 500ius twice a week
1-4 dbol 30mg ed
1-6 provirone 50mg ed
15-19 forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and pm
15-19 unleashed and post cycle 3 caps of each every day

Now when running eq its best to run it 14 weeks or more. Ya 12 works but most gains on eq come slow so 14 weeks is best. You always want to run your test at least a week or even two weeks past your eq. So that ester clears and the timing is right on the pct. No reason to be doing pct when you still got steroids in your system?

Now with a cycle this long you deff want to be running ether hcg or hcgenerate. if hcg then run it 500ius twice a week the whole cycle. If hcgenerate then 5 caps ed the last 4-8 weeks of the cycle. then the pct I laid out will work nice for any cycle.

Its fine to run provirone with the dbol and it can keep some of the bloat of. However i would never start a cycle with out at least a bottle of forma-stanzol and or some letro on hand. Just in case things get out of hand
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