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  1. B

    Oral steroids to use with equipoise

    I’m a bit confused when it comes to equipoise and what oral steroids work best with it. My stats are 5’6’’ 188 pounds and looking to lean up a bit from here. And I’m 35 years old. Coming off a long relationship and back in the dating pool so want to attract the hotties. My plan is 12 weeks of EQ...
  2. M

    best equipoise cycle for lean gains

    I’m currently six foot tall and 205 pounds and I’m approximately 14% body fat hoping to get more results out of my equipoise cycle and looking to use 400 milligrams a week previously I have ran it at a higher dose but then it feel like I have my diet and training on point. This time I will do it...
  3. N

    equipoise and test cyp from domestic supply review

    Wanted to post up a review from domestic Supply based on my experience. I will be as honest as possible in this review. The cycle started kind of slow, I probably should have used the kickstart but wasn’t seeing much the first couple weeks. By week four things were really starting to kick in and...
  4. A

    Check out my big stack for summer

    putting together my summer stack has been something that I’ve been working on for the past few weeks. I’m 35 years old and this is going to be my biggest cycle ever I’m approaching 200 pounds and I’m five foot eight my goals are strength and more mass without gaining fat. My cycle I’m planning...
  5. N

    How good is cutting with testosterone and equipoise together?

    I was wondering how good of a cutting cycle it would be to do 250 milligrams of testosterone and 600 milligrams of equipoise together. My plan was doing that for 10 weeks and finishing the cycle with 50 milligrams a day of Winstrol. I’m currently five foot 11 and I weigh 222 pounds and about 16%...
  6. G

    equipoise and primo a waste?

    I’m looking to put on some lean muscle mass and build some strength but not have crazy side effects either My initial plan is to do 500 milligrams of both equipoise and Primo together and then stack in around 250 milligrams of testosterone. What do you think about using equipoise and primo...
  7. X

    using test E and equipoise good idea?

    40 years old six foot tall 182 pounds Just wondering what you thought about using a simple testosterone enanthate cycle to go with some equipoise was thinking of doing testosterone around 200 milligrams a week and using equipoise around 300 milligrams a week stacking some aromasin with it a good...
  8. S

    very nice equipoise cycle from domestic supply

    I’ve been on equipoise for the past 8 weeks that I got from domestic supply. Getting really good results, love this stuff. I’ve gained so far six pounds and it’s all been clean weight and I’ve been using 500 milligrams a week I’ve also stacked in 100 milligrams a week of testosterone and I’m...
  9. I

    gaining some lean muscle female stack

    I’m looking to do a steroid stack to help with lean muscle mass been studying what other women are using and came up with a little idea. Interested in using anavar, equipoise and some testosterone. Just need some help with 2 things. Dosing and length of cycle. 5’3’’ 140 pounds. I can bench the...
  10. L

    15 weeks - EQ or Primo?

    Hi All, I am stuck with the following decision on my next cycle and would like you input please. The two choices are below. Before you suggest other dosages, know that this these have been worked out based on what I can be supplied and according to my budget. So, in other words, it is the one...
  11. A

    napsgear is truly the best!

    Big thanks to richard brown, stevesmi and mobster for their napsgear guidance. Richard posted a nice sales promo. Was able to pick up EQ and test for 50% off! What a great deal! Ran the equipoise 600mgs a week and test 300mgs a week. Ended up being a fantastic ratio and I was able to put on some...
  12. bigdextreme74

    Updated Feb 7.2024 BigD Supreme Bulking cycle - Testosterone, Deca, Anadrol, Dbol, Trenbolone, Equipoise, Masteron

    Hey there. I just found out that no one could see my log that is in pdf form. I am going to post it again for everyone to see. It is a lot of info. This wil cover 3 posts. Bloodwork Component Nov 2020 Jun 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Aug 2022 Nov 2022 Feb 2023 Jul 2023 WBC Normal Range: 3.8...
  13. bigdextreme74

    Approved Log BigD Supreme Bulking cycle - Testosterone, Deca, Anadrol, Dbol, Trenbolone, Equipoise, Masteron Log

    Hey brothers! I am updating my cycle and stats. I did not like how it posted (3 different posts) This is my first ever log. First a little about me. I tend to be a very private person and I don’t like a lot of attention. Hence, for me to put myself out there is a huge step. I was a tall...
  14. Z

    equipoise is a great steroid

    my eq experience has been pretty good so far and wanted to share I’ve been doing 600mgs a week along with some test with it 200mgs I’m at week 5. seeing some good endurance, lean mass and strength wondering what should I expect for the next five weeks as is the first time I’ve used it and should...
  15. W

    stacking equipoise for active lifestyle

    50 years old used steroids throughout my 30’s and backed off using them in my 40’s after my divorce now want to dive back in. I’m 215 pounds and tall and lean interested in trying EQ for the first time I’ve come to the conclusion that 300mg is going to be the perfect dosage I lead an active...
  16. J

    equipoise and test prop yay or nay?

    How would you use equipoise and test prop together? My friend hooked me up with some vials of them and he said that they would be excellent for bulking up my thought is running 500 mg of test prop, but my concern is do I need to inject this stuff every day? Also with equipoise with 400 mg be...
  17. T

    anavar, test and equipoise?

    I’m looking for a general improvements to my physique and getting lean muscle mass my choices are equipoise, testosterone, and perhaps anavar I’m gonna be doing 500mgs EQ 250mgs test cyp 25mgs anavar AM, 10mgs anavar PM my question is with 12 weeks on a stack like this yield the best results or...
  18. T

    do weightlifters like equipoise?

    Wanted to get a sense of what kind of demographics are using equipoise I’m currently interested in doing 500mgs a week of EQ. Perhaps some test 200mgs or so, and then adding in an oral I’m a pure weightlifter. NOT a bodybuilder and NOT a powerlifter I just like lifting weights let’s put it that...
  19. M

    blood donations on cycle?

    I’m currently doing a cycle of equipoise, testosterone and NPP 400mgs of test, 300mgs NPP and 500mgs of EQ I know my blood is getting thicker and I would like to donate. Never donated before will they know I am on steroids and reject me or what? Don’t they ask that question when you go in...
  20. X

    how would you run equipoise for endurance?

    I’m looking to get my endurance up with equipoise I’m curious how you would run it in this particular stack with 200 milligrams of testosterone stats are six foot two and 185 pounds and I like to run about three or four miles every evening after work trying to figure out a good way to use it for...
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