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Craig Titus's cycle for the USA-

I remember when G-dogg first posted this. I also remember he said he had Paul Dillet staying at his crib. If I also remember correctly, he was embellishing a bit. Think he got busted in a lie... :p

6. Nolvadex ED. Maybe he didn't know any better than? He probably does now.

are you not supposed to take nolvadex everyday?
g-dogg don't sweat it. I believe you when you say that was his cycle, I dont see what the big deal is. Some unorthodox methods work for him I mean shit he's a Pro and we aren't. He looks Great so it works for him. End of story. Now everyone shut up and eat!!!
Texas Ranger said:
I remember when G-dogg first posted this. I also remember he said he had Paul Dillet staying at his crib. If I also remember correctly, he was embellishing a bit. Think he got busted in a lie... :p

yeah i remember reading something about him getting cought bullshiting a long time ago

damn, ive become a "lurker" around here :p
Patrick Steele said:
These doses are average for a pro and could even be considered low compared to the top olympians. I know people who are not pros and have never entered a competition and abuse the hell out of juice. For example, this dude I know takes 3 grams of test enanthate per week, 1 gram of EQ per week, 1.5 grams of deca and 100 mgs of tren ED for 20 weeks. He stays on year round and has been juicing heavily for the past 13 years and looks great. He never goes off and his bridge consists of 750 mgs of sust per week. He is 36 and has never had any health problems except for minor increases in blood pressure, but nothing serious. Some guys bodies can handle incredibly high dosages without causing any harm while others get bitch tits with 200 mgs of test. I've also known a guy who was still training intense at 78 years old. He has been juicing ever sinse steroids were available to him. As he got older it was year round for him. He credits his long and healthy life to testosterone and HGH therapy. At the end, I honnestly think genetics play the biggest role in your health and lifespan.
I have been on Hgh at 4-6ius per day for 3 months now,on 800mg cyp,800mg eq,600mg deca for 1 month and on my second dnp 15 day run during this month since I started this cycle and have perfect bloodpresure,cholesterol and trygliceride levels.Have never gotten as much as a zit on my back no matter how much test I take and never had any problems with impotence.Then again I do not grow on the small doses that most people grow on and I eat like an animal and I am in the gym at 6am every morning killing the weights.Like some one above said its all about your tolerance to these compounds,one individual might take 200mg to get huge will others it may take them 2grams to get the same results even if all things are equal in training and diet.So this is why I dont and will never knock any1 for doing these heavy dose cycles if they have experimented long enough to know what it takes.This is the biggest cycle by far I have ever done and I can tell ya I feel like a million bucks in the gym and out the gym.I will start the clean bulking phase of it in 8 days when the dnp run is over and will replace the dnp with slin at 15 ius pwo only and see were we can take this.Getting bloodwork monthly and have BP measuring device and cholesterol testers on hand for monitoring somethings from home.Ive been lifting since I was 12 years old and I am now 28 and had a 6 year layoff were I went into the marines and finisjhed duty got married and became a fat slob up to 246 at 5,6" and had to take all that fat off training naturally started 2 years ago and started juicing again a year ago or so.But I had great knowledge of the stuff back in 95 when you used to have to take 10ccs of EQ to get 500mgs and hemogens were around and the syntex anadrol and steris suspension and all no internet comunication,PCT was non existent,you would see a guy be a monster one season and a few months later be tiny,so when I came back to the game after losing all that fat things were great after I found these sites and found out that now you can get 400-600mg eq and there was such thing as homebrew and all kinds of UG llabs and blends and we could share info and there was PCT now.You guys that are new to this have no clue how lucky you are.Sorry to type so much just took my coffe and ephedra and on my way to do my cardio give me some K if you like the post. :p
SMERSH said:
I agree with Mr. Pusher... you're a liar. Die.
9 posts???? check yer self boy. G dogg is solid. and you peopel have not a fuckin clue what goes on at Natl's I do I compete there. I stood next to Troy Alves on stage??? Did you? 5000mg a week is common. It's alot but I was not shocked. Its a fucked up deal for sure.

Quadsweep said:
9 posts???? check yer self boy. G dogg is solid. and you peopel have not a fuckin clue what goes on at Natl's I do I compete there. I stood next to Troy Alves on stage??? Did you? 5000mg a week is common. It's alot but I was not shocked. Its a fucked up deal for sure.


lol, ummm did you notice that post was made 2 1/2 yrs ago?
In reference to what big50 has said, the cycle does seem haphazard. Even for as short a time as 8 or 9 years ago. Now 15 or more years ago I remember
that the understanding of gear was nowhere near as it is today, thanks to the wealth of shared knowledge here and on the internet.

A few questions I alway think of is with the suggested "programs" of Ahnolds day; why didnt more show gyno? Did they undersatand antiestrogens? Did they have gyno surgery? Most all of todays pro's have had cosmetic surgery of one kind or other.

Plus before and even when pro cash isnt always flowing. You take what you can get. Im sure to that pros have and do use vet gear.
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