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Clen rebound


New member
After I won my first fitness competition I had a bad weight gain rebound. The problem is, is that I am not sure what it is from. I took Clen, Hydroxycut, a diuretic the day before my show, and I have to admit that I ate like shit afterwards. Do people get bad rebounds due to using Clen or can this be avoided?? Also, does Clen work every time you use it and for how long can you use it? Also, my trainer just gave me a bunch of crap to take for my first show. I have a great experienced trainer this time who is advising me not to take anything this time. This sounds nice but mentally I am afraid of not being able to prepare as good as last time without the Clen. What does anyone think. I am 8.5 weeks out from my next show and I need to get my ass in gear mentally to win again and I want to look better than last time. Help!?!?:confused:
Clenbuterol depletes Taurine levels in the live which can slow down the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver. This is what is causing you to rebound (plus eating like shit). Next time use Taurine at 3-5g a day while on Clen and a few days after your cycle. L-tyrosine is not necessary but it's a nice addition at the end of your cycles.
he may be right.....

BigAndy69 said:
Clenbuterol depletes Taurine levels in the live which can slow down the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver. This is what is causing you to rebound (plus eating like shit). Next time use Taurine at 3-5g a day while on Clen and a few days after your cycle. L-tyrosine is not necessary but it's a nice addition at the end of your cycles.

But keep in mind that anytime you feed yourself speed (or something that stimulates the metabolism) your natural metab. slows down because its loosing fat too fast.
So what are you trying to say? Anybody who takes Clen will gain wait Post cycle? I do not believe that is true whatsoever. I know otns of people taking Clen and have never ever had a weight gain rebound. I am taking 3-5g Taurine a day with mine, and do not plan on any problems.

Is that were you were trying to say, or did I misunderstand you?
I dont think this happened noticably the times I have used clen. Dont think its a big concern for most people. Taurine might be a good idea though.-WULF
So, you can take Clen and not have a big rebound. How long can you stay on Clen. I have a show in 8 weeks and then another one 8 weeks after that. I want to look better for the second show. When, if I use Clen should I start it for the first and should I cycle off it then back on for the second? What would be the strategy for taking it for the two shows so that it works well for both?
Thanks for the help.
liltyson19 said:
So, you can take Clen and not have a big rebound. How long can you stay on Clen. I have a show in 8 weeks and then another one 8 weeks after that. I want to look better for the second show. When, if I use Clen should I start it for the first and should I cycle off it then back on for the second? What would be the strategy for taking it for the two shows so that it works well for both?
Thanks for the help.

I don't know what to tell you, I need more of a breakdown of your schedule to really help you.

Clen loses it's effectiveness very quickly. It's best used 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, but you can extend it's use with Ketotifen at 2-3mg ED. It "cleans" the receptors, but it may not be a good choice because it increases hunger.

If you want to look good for your second show, I would take clen 2 weeks out of your first show and then stop for 2-4 weeks, and then go on until your show.
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