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Can ecstacy damage be undone? I need to fix myself. Please read and help me out!

there are a ton of anti-d's. you will never find the right one the first time. you need to get with your doc and figure out which one is right for you and at what dose.

there are a ton of reports comming out on the long term effects of E. natually they all contradict each other like all the studies seem to related to anything.

from experince i can tell you this. and this is just me so take it for what it's worth.

i really got into the whole party sceen a couple winters ago. i got to where i was eating anywhere from 8-12 pills per night thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday. i work with a lot of numbers and i don't know how i was never fired. i was unable to think right or even hold a thought for very long. at some point i was just smacked in the face with a realization. WHY IN THE HELL AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF? what happened is about 10 times in the same day i would be speaking with ppl and in the middle of my sentence forget what i was talking about. and i'm not talking about forgetting where i was in a statement, but actaully forgetting what i was talking about. i was going over some reports with my boss once and half way through it forgot what we were talking about. so i looked the the papers in front of me and still couldn't remember. so we here we are sitting in my office, my boss waiting for me to finish my sentence, and i'm just looking at my paper work going "duuuhhhhh" after that, i paid very close attention to how many times a day that would happen to me and it was a lot more than i had ever realized.

it took many many month before i felt about 95% mentaly. i would say about 8 months. it really took me a long time to shake it off. now i feel like i'm at about 100% but don't know if i'm not and just getting used to the way i am now or if i've truely recovered.

what i'm trying to say is give it time. and lots of time at that. things will get back to normal if i'm the norm. one thing to note though. i've never really suffered from depression after or during my E usage. if anything i think it was just the opposite. i was was more depressed prior to when i started taking the E. but i aslo had a lot more shit going on in my life prior to E.

if you have a tendency to become depressed, i think E will add to that. if you're not, i don't think it can bring you down as much the next few days.

but back to your question, i found that it took about 5 ot 6 months before i stopped makeing the mistakes at work. i can't imagine what our controler most have though about me. i made sooooo many mistakes. mistakes i honestly don't beleive a first year college student would make, hell a high school student. . .

just hang in there. it will take time. some ppl will take longer than others. just hang in there and FIGHT TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK WHERE YOU WANT IT TO BE.

if you ever need a kick in the ass, you just email me :)

good luck!
40butpumpin said:
Man just pray, it works. I'm NOT kidding.

Totally agree!

Also, simultaneously...look into the following:

5-htp (aids with depression and your body may lost it's ability to manufacture this d/t the beans!)
sam-e (over-all well-being/mood enhancer)
tyrosine (for overall neurotransmitter support)
Inositol (aids w/ deppression)

----don't waste $ on St. John's Wort---It's bunk!

And DON'T forget the prayers!
I feel for you man. The important thing is not to see yourself as a victim, or an invalid suffering from a disease. These identity models will destroy you surer than any drug (though the pills will help). Believe in yourself, don't believe in any medicine or especially any doctor. The answer is in you not outside you. I'd like to say a medical professional will fix you, but there's an equal chance they will be ineffective or harm you if you slavishly follow what they say.
Stop beating yourself up and blaming yourself, use your compulsiveness to make lists of your goals, little ones at first, and the steps you need to achieve them. This will help with your feelings of powerlessness. Be kind to yourself. And be nice to your girl friend :)

Where I'm from the high point of ecstasy use was probably 10 years ago, though you can still get one for $6 lol, so I can see how everybody survived years later. At 30 years old the people who have fucked up their lives the most are the boozers. I think heavy E use is bad for you and some people's personalities permanently change, but basically everybody is holding it down in adulthood - jobs, relationships etc. A few of the 10E-a-night crew are really fucked, but the weekend warriors are ok.
I hope all of you reading this tuff are taking it to heart & learn something from it. It's not good to do any of the recreational drugs, stay away from them, they cause nothing but problems. I grew up around drugs & a lot of my family still to this day have drug problems, including my mother. It breaks my heart to see them all messed up. There's a reason they call it "dope" Drugs are nothing to mess with.
i just hate myself

To put it plain and simple I just hate myself. And the doctors are now labeling me which makes it even worse. jay
Simply put, you need to improve your nervous system which also includes your brain. I would never take anti-d's because they "might" temporarily fix your probably, but will become dependent on them, and they are not that much healthier themselves.

You should try to fix your problem naturally. Do a lot of cardio exercises, every day. Also eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you can't eat that much, buy a shit load of fruits and veggies and make them into juice with a juicemaker, and drink up. Do this for about 6 months every day. You will detox your system, and greatly improve your nervous system naturally, the way nature meant it to be. This will definitely fix your problems.

Overall, definitely watch your diet. Don't smoke, don't drink. Eat healthy, get plenty of sleep. And in no time you will see your problems away.

Every time I feel depressed, I tell myself that it's a chemical imbalance. I buy 2 lbs of grapes, I make it into juice with my juicemaker, drink up on the spot, and I always feel better. We are machines, and the type of fuel we put into our body makes a big difference.
E could only have caused this if you were taking excessive amount in a short period of time otherwise this is a non-drug related disorder. I had a similar experience about 10 years ago (a lot of E in a short period of time)…. You will get better over time. I took me about four years to recover and regain my confidence in myself. I used a barrage of drugs for depression. I would have to say celexa is a bit mild for what you seem to be experiencing. Make sure you continue you counseling…As for you OCD and Anxiety… (I had the same) The best way to handle it is to come to terms that you can not control what happens. Things constantly change and nothing is permanent and nothing you do can predict the future. Once you accept that life is constantly changing then you will have no reason to have Anxiety. Anxiety is worrying about the future of which you have no control. This does not happen overnight so be patient and continue to get counseling. Do not worry about what you are going to lose so much and think about what you have. E is a powerful drug and can do a lot of damage. But you will get better it just takes time and effort. If I can help you in any way let me know. I know how you feel. I was there once.
Re: i just hate myself

hardone899 said:
To put it plain and simple I just hate myself.

This is the root of your problem. This was always there. Drugs like ecstacy or acid weaken your ego so issues from your sub-conscious rear up and demand confrontation when you are least equipped to deal with them. Ecstacy damage is real but will pass. You will always be you when you look in the mirror and you have to learn to love that guy you see there.

You seem like an introspective type of guy. This has pit-falls. "And when you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares back into you."- Friedrich Nietzsche. So don't think, act, or the hole inside you will eat your mind. Contrary to popular belief, neurons do grow back. You need mental, physical and social stimulation to maximize that process and become a better and stronger person.
All that I do is think and think think

I need to stop thinking about the future and past and just enjoy myself. How do I become a happy person?
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