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Bench press, what do you think...

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You know whats funny PwrMachine Bill Crawford said to me after I missed 815, you stupid fat fuck your feet are way to close to the bench your wobbleing all over the fucking place, I said, thanks Bill C. I'll make sure I get my feet out more.

Bill C. tells me my form sucks just about everytime he sees me, My form is better than 90% of the benchers out there, but if I refined it more I would be hitting alot more.
But I don't look at Bill and go gee wilikers Bill could you please be nice when you tell me my form sucks, holy shit man grow up
Let's try a common approach. Mule, your bench form sucks. Your legs are pulled up behind your knees and you wobble all over the bench. You'll never get 815 lifting like that! Fix it!

One comment putting your feet flat on the floor , will cause you to loose leg drive, my feet were to close to the bench this is what caused me to wobble, center of gravity was to close . Also by forcing your feet behind your knees, locks your hips into place so your ass wont come up:






By the way my man, you dind't hurt my feelings by posting your comment. If you told me my mom was an ugly bitch, well that would bother me
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I asked a question and it took alot of beating around the bush to get answers. But guess what, I have answers finally. As I've already stated over a dozen times, I'm taking everyone's suggestions and working on it as early as tomorrow with my regular chest workout.

That a boy now go hit those hammer curls heavy and do some big lat pulls and rows and your probem will be solved...

Here is to 500 my man, when you get it I'll send you a cold one in the mail. Do yourself a favor fuck that poly shirt allit's gonna do is fuck up your shoulders by forcing them foreward....get a denim single ply and bench 600!!!!!!!!
Screwball said:

I'll take "Lost Cause" for $200, please. :D

You are a riot. I think you and your wife should start your own forum and post to each other how wonderful your training is going and how no one else has a clue on how to train. I think you will be a lot happier having someone tell you what you want to hear. Your training should improve and the amount of stress in your life should decrease. Just a thought... :rolleyes:

I'll take "Fat Ass Comedians" for $1000, please. :D

Where the hell in this post do you get the impression that my training is the best and no one else has a clue how to train? If I knew everything, would I have asked the question about my bench press?
MULE1 said:
Bill C. tells me my form sucks just about everytime he sees me, My form is better than 90% of the benchers out there, but if I refined it more I would be hitting alot more.
But I don't look at Bill and go gee wilikers Bill could you please be nice when you tell me my form sucks, holy shit man grow up

You guys are trying hard to twist and bend my words into more than what they are. You're very clever eh. You just stated exactly my argument. Your form sucks, but Bill C. also tells you how to fix it. My concern was that I initially got "you have poor form", but no indication how to fix. Again, after a few pages of beating around the bush, I got answers on how to make some good adjustments. And thanks to everyone for that. I'll be working on it.
MULE1 said:
IHere is to 500 my man, when you get it I'll send you a cold one in the mail.

I'll be expecting a cold one in the future. :beer: I'm partial to Guinness, St. Pauli Girl Dark, and Blackened Voodoo.
Pwr Machine, you are becoming quite the running joke around here. You ask for advice, then shit all over the people who give it to you. And you are getting advice from Elite level lifters, but that, I guess is not good enough for you cause they are not nut swingers like Louden who just tell you how great you are.

I benched 550 at 247 about 2 months or so ago. I was very excited about that as it set a state record in the APF. Someone who went to the meet was kind enough to film it, and put the video up on this site. I messaged the video link to Sebastian Burns (perhaps you have heard of him, Mule knows him) and sat back waiting for all the praise in the world cause I had gone from a 355 bench to a 550 bench in under 2 years of training time. . .

Well, I am going to be waiting a long time, cause Sebastian spent the next 20 minutes telling me what awful form I had. Told me right then and there that I was leaving 50 lbs on the platform cause of my piss poor form. He was not nice about it, but as I am not a sniveling little bitch, I took what he was saying to heart, and have worked on getting better.

At my next comp, I will bench over 600 lbs. There is no doubt about this. But it would have been difficult, if not impossible to do so if I was so hard headed that I did not take advice from those who know better.

You know what? Fuck Mule and his 700 plus bench, fuck Spatts and her training knowledge, fuck everyone else on this thread who have tried in vain to be helpful. You just stick to your poly shirts, and ever so clean lifestyle and best of luck to you on that 500 bench.

Keep those elbows high, cause you are somehow physically incapable of doing something so complex as holding an elbow close to the body, stay away from those denim shirts, cause of course, it is just the shirt that does the work, unless of course that shirt is a single ply poly, and just go on knowing everything about everything.

Oh, and just so we are clear. I am being hateful, I am being a smartass, and everyone who has responded to you thinking you are a jackass is right. Also, I am completely clean at the moment, have far more ring experience than you could possibly have, and would gladly accept any physical challenge you could throw down.

To some of the members who have been around for more than a fortnight, I think we have found our new SSAlexSS

benchmonster said:
Pwr Machine, you are becoming quite the running joke around here. You ask for advice, then shit all over the people who give it to you. And you are getting advice from Elite level lifters, but that, I guess is not good enough for you cause they are not nut swingers like Louden who just tell you how great you are.

I benched 550 at 247 about 2 months or so ago. I was very excited about that as it set a state record in the APF. Someone who went to the meet was kind enough to film it, and put the video up on this site. I messaged the video link to Sebastian Burns (perhaps you have heard of him, Mule knows him) and sat back waiting for all the praise in the world cause I had gone from a 355 bench to a 550 bench in under 2 years of training time. . .

Well, I am going to be waiting a long time, cause Sebastian spent the next 20 minutes telling me what awful form I had. Told me right then and there that I was leaving 50 lbs on the platform cause of my piss poor form. He was not nice about it, but as I am not a sniveling little bitch, I took what he was saying to heart, and have worked on getting better.

At my next comp, I will bench over 600 lbs. There is no doubt about this. But it would have been difficult, if not impossible to do so if I was so hard headed that I did not take advice from those who know better.

You know what? Fuck Mule and his 700 plus bench, fuck Spatts and her training knowledge, fuck everyone else on this thread who have tried in vain to be helpful. You just stick to your poly shirts, and ever so clean lifestyle and best of luck to you on that 500 bench.

Keep those elbows high, cause you are somehow physically incapable of doing something so complex as holding an elbow close to the body, stay away from those denim shirts, cause of course, it is just the shirt that does the work, unless of course that shirt is a single ply poly, and just go on knowing everything about everything.

Oh, and just so we are clear. I am being hateful, I am being a smartass, and everyone who has responded to you thinking you are a jackass is right. Also, I am completely clean at the moment, have far more ring experience than you could possibly have, and would gladly accept any physical challenge you could throw down.

To some of the members who have been around for more than a fortnight, I think we have found our new SSAlesSS

Why do you have to post crap like this. He is taking their advice, he is going to make changes. What's your problem? And what is so bad about lifting clean in single ply gear?
Ok "Benchmonster", you've said quite enough. I see your point. But obviously you missed mine. I took what everyone told me and said as I've already stated over a dozen times, I'm taking everyone's suggestions and working on it as early as tomorrow with my regular chest workout. Did you catch that this time around? With that said, I took the advice of Elite level lifters and will put it to work soon. Still following me?

Congrats on your 550 at 247. That's a good bench. Good luck with 600. Maybe I could clear this up a bit for you too. I'll be working on mine too. As I've already stated over a dozen times, I'm taking everyone's suggestions and working on it as early as tomorrow with my regular chest workout.

And I think you missed this part too. It's not the fact that my form may have sucked, it's the fact I wasn't being told how to fix it. Since then, I have been enlightened. As I've already stated over a dozen times, I'm taking everyone's suggestions and working on it as early as tomorrow with my regular chest workout.

And you're disappointed by the fact I have personal goals to wear single ply shirts for the time being? I'm sure you have personal goals too, but I'm far from disappointed that your goals aren't the same as mine.

Originally posted by benchmonster Oh, and just so we are clear. I am being hateful, I am being a smartass, and everyone who has responded to you thinking you are a jackass is right. Also, I am completely clean at the moment, have far more ring experience than you could possibly have, and would gladly accept any physical challenge you could throw down.

Another comedian. I almost pissed my pants after reading that one! Funny stuff. I tell ya what, save your breath for the day we cross paths in person. If we don't have that opportunity, chalk this up as a "sit-behind-your-computer win" and the glory goes to you.

Anyway, as I've already stated over a dozen times, I'm taking everyone's suggestions and working on it as early as tomorrow with my regular chest workout.

You are way out of line. First of all pwr_machine never said anything about reaching a 500lb bench. For the last fucking time, he isn't a powerlifter. . he is training for bodybuilding!!!! He asked a simple question, then everyone who thinks they are hot shit decides to make negative comments.

Also you think a 550lb pound bench is good for 247lbs?? There are high schools students who are much lighter who are able to put up better bench to bodyweight ratios. Thats what a lot of big boys forget about ratios. . . besides how is your overall athletic ability? Can you out wrestle someone, swim, run, or bike?? Just because you are a good bench presser doesn't mean you are a supreme athlete. Thats a whole another can of worms.

I happen to live in the same state with you and I would be interested in watching you compete. After the attitude you display towards certain members. . .I am wondering if you are like this in person. Maybe the whole thing is a huge misunderstanding.

Think about this stuff.

For now, it is time to get back to the original question. Everyone has forgotten that pwr_machine is training for bodybuilding.

Any weaknesses he has can be corrected.
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