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A 64 years old, newbie

I agree with you bro's as i said in post#7 don't do alot for starters,as long as you ease into it, that's your first step!

u may want to consider spitting the dose and shooting every week. that way u will get a much better level of test in ur system instead of spiking at day 7 and declining to zero at day 14. that is why your 'gait' goes back to normal a few days before your shot. i have read that test is not the real issue with prostate problems. think about it, why is it that men have prostate problems when they get older and there test levels are non-existent? if high test levels were the problem then it would be the younger men getting prostate cancer. as far as working out goes ease into it and do not over do it up front. try walking a mile and increae it by 1/2 mile every 3-4 days up to 3 miles and then try running part of the walk if u feel up to it. for beginners stick with the machines for weight training and keep ur reps high at least 10-15 reps. good to hear that u took ur well being into your own hands. the drs arnt the ones who have to live in ur body..............
Yes, my health is not top notch.
The main reason I have joined EF is to understand how to feel better and healthier from people like yourself who are willing to take your time to teach.
I did not venture into this project without previously combing through many sites specially here and trying to learn what would be good for my body.
Choosing Testosterone Cypionate took a lengthy amount of time to decide and when the product was in hand it took extra amount of time to convince myself to use it. About three years ago I was treated for Prostate Cancer with Radiation, now my present PSA level is 0.3 which is very good.
My main goal is not to bulk up but to feel " The Zest for Life ".
Every 2 to 3 month I get full blood test that includes PSA and the Free Testosterone level. The last twelve or so tests shows that my Testosterone levels to be between 47 and 49, which of course are extremely low. The normal range for a man of my age should between 240 and 827. These are the goals I need to balance, high Testosrone level with low PSA level. Every two weeks I get a shot, 1cc of 250mg.
If on this precarious trip I bulk up and manage to lose weight, I would definitely be in Rottie Heaven.
Thank you.

Since you are now running gear i would highly reccommend this

Lipid Stabil

Taking it right now and i havn't had bloodwork done yet,but i feel better than i have in a long time, so ,it's doing something.

now i do too!
i can't believe there is not a Dr. that will put you on HRT! unless its the history of prostrate cancer. still, there must be at least one Doc out there that would give you a damn Rx. are you planning on running the Cyp all the way up until your next blood test?
also, about the length between shots. with Cyp, normal HRT doses are 200mg administered once a week. if you wanna compromise, 10 days between shots might cover stable baseline levels.

I'm in my 50s... and TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) has changed my life.

the "basic cycle" is 1/2cc of test -c or test-e (e gives you a few more mgs of test with standard dosages) weekly (I do mine thursday AM and by friday night through the weekend the wife and I are BUSY)... :stilleto:

1/4mg of arimidex every 3rd day to control e2 (estrogen) conversion...

250iu of hcg on the 2 days preceding your shot (in my case shot is thursday so tues/wed) to keep the boys at least aware of themselves.

I'm doing 175mg of a test blend (with right now 100mg of deca for 20 weeks to buff up a bit for summer/fall) myself and 1/4mg of arimidex eod... body fat dropped DRAMATICALLY, muscle tone/size is MUCH better, though process is sharper, energy up, lipids better...

now I know the heavy BB types here scoff at 175mg/week but TRT guys don't cycle... we do it EVERY week.... my "cycle" is the 100mg of deca I'm adding for 20 weeks.

watch your blood sugar... you'll probably find you'll need LESS insulin.:supercool
two things my father taught me "its never to late" "anything can happen" don't waste money on vitamins most don't even get digested. I would do half a cc a week rather than one every two and research HGH. Also, working out sucks in the begining,it fucks with your head,(all the blood rushes to your head) and your body feels like shit-nausea etc. If you force yourself through it for the firsrt few weeks i guarantee you will begin to feel better and love working out,have more energy,sex drive etc. once you see some results you will get hooked. but lift weights and push yourself to lift heavier each time you train. Also getting a personal trainer or kickboxing trainer, boxing trainer is a great way to keep active,but there is no miracle needle or pill that is gonna get you where you want to be cause none of this shit works at all with out the workout
The practice of "snipping" testes for Prostate C treatment is one of the most destructive things you can do to a male

For it silences T production Forever

The original studies which are the basis of the practice are weak and flawed

Yet we have Docs Killing people by doing it........
Post up Rottie! would like to know what up with you!
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