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1st cycle. Var/Clen


New member
I just turned 21 and want to start my first cycle. I have quiet a few friends on gear and they taught me what I know. I also did my own research.

I'm 5'10 and a half, 176lbs, around 22-24% bf, cutting at 1600 cals

I started working out in 2010, but only seriously in 2012. I had to stop working out for the whole of 2013 and first half of 2014 because of injuries to both knees and an unbalanced shoulder blade. During that time I went all the way up to 210lbs and around 30% bf.

I got back to working out almost 8 weeks ago though I still can't train legs. I'm seeing doctors for that, i should be back to normal in a few months. I lost a total of 34lbs thus far and I still want to cut until I reach 6-8% bf. I realize it's really low at my bw but i want to be able to bulk for as long as possible.

Also note that I want my first cycle to be oral only. I'll start injectables after that. I was thinking of running var only for 8 weeks, but I am now thinking about adding clen along (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off).

I'd like to get your opinion on this cycle. Will I gain back the fat I lost with clen when i bulk back up? Also what should I take along with it to protect my liver, kidneys, etc.?
At 176 your BMR is 2112, even if we use CBMR numbers you're still not eating enough. Your CBMR is 1900. You're eating around 1600 which is way under your CBMR. When you try to lean out and train, eating more is crucial to keep your muscle tissue intact while you boost your metabolic rate and shed fat. I suggest you do a bit more research on the topic, here are some articles for you:

*Beginner Cutting Cycle with No Steroids ? All natural -
*Beginner Oral only Cutting Steroid Cycle -
*The Perfect Cutting Cycle -
At 176 your BMR is 2112, even if we use CBMR numbers you're still not eating enough. Your CBMR is 1900. You're eating around 1600 which is way under your CBMR. When you try to lean out and train, eating more is crucial to keep your muscle tissue intact while you boost your metabolic rate and shed fat. I suggest you do a bit more research on the topic, here are some articles for you:

*Beginner Cutting Cycle with No Steroids ? All natural -
*Beginner Oral only Cutting Steroid Cycle -
*The Perfect Cutting Cycle -
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