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OK - here's the deal. I need wives in good solid marriages to tell me if this is irrational or not:
I came home from work to find my wife "go-karting" my new $5k mower around in our 4 acre yard that I've painstakingly groomed and worked. It looks like ass. She even attempted a few hydroplanes through standing water. Then she ran the mower over to my shop and left it there dripping in mud and completely dry of gas. Not happy. So I get my mower back into shape and proceed to remow it the next day - I had to - she left so many places just unmowed - she figured I could get to it later. Did I mention the yard was rutted and scalped? Besides the tire tracks, it looked like drunken shriners had a kart session on my turf. (mind you, I said NOTHING negative, but thanked her for the help)

OK - she meant to save me some time, but it cost me another tank of gas and a few more hours of my time. She was furious with me that I remowed the whole thing. (irrational?) We seem to have gotten over it. The neighbors came by the next day and asked who "farmed" our yard. They laughed and joked - I said nothing but took a glass full of water over my head - just for being there I imagine.

So a week passes - she mentions it to my mom. They laugh. I laugh (wrong!). I happen to mention I had to take a couple of pictures of it before I fixed it because no one would believe the horror. Uh oh.... so now we're into day 7 of her being a complete bad person to me. Says stuff about how I lost her trust . Crimony, you'd think I slept with her sister the way she is acting about this.

Lesson I learned: Don't embarrass your wife. No matter how funny and HARMLESS you might think it is.

I've apologized profusely, but enough is enough. It's a fuggin yard and a couple of snapshots of drunken shriner tracks!

So is she being irrational or am I a completely insensitive ass and just not getting it:confused:?
Should have dragged her out in the yard then rubbed her face in a rut and yelled "bad girl" over and over. Then have anal sex with her over the dirty mower.
She is cheating on you!
You don't have kids do you?
Oh shit. I have 2 kids. She isn't cheating - they home school - so no time for that! Not putting anything!
Now why am I teh suck?
Home schooled???? Ohhhh

Afraid what the kids will say about you if they go to school or maybe what they'll say about Mommy dearest.
happily married woman here.

here's my take on it:
You're wrong. apologize.

the end.
Home schooled???? Ohhhh

Afraid what the kids will say about you if they go to school or maybe what they'll say about Mommy dearest.

No, they are very bright - both scored 99% across the boards on Tera Nova. The bumpkinville public school they could attend can't keep up with them. So my wife and I took matters into our own hands (I have 2 masters, she has 1). They also attend a private school 1 day a week.
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