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Strenght only cycle


New member
Hi im a strenght atlete i never used roids or PH i want just an info.
I plan to do an only strength cycle without gain much weight(2-3kg max) and i want to keep the strength after that cycle.

I found that with oxandrolone u keep most of gains.
What do you think?
Hi im a strenght atlete i never used roids or PH i want just an info.
I plan to do an only strength cycle without gain much weight(2-3kg max) and i want to keep the strength after that cycle.

I found that with oxandrolone u keep most of gains.
What do you think?

Give me your stats, so i can help you more.. How long you been training, age and body weight..

Yes anavar is an amazing drug for strength gains without alot of weight gains, I have put on 9lb on anavar cycle and its all diet, if you dont want to gain much weight then simply dont eat to many calories, anavar will not put on weight on you without caloric surplus.
Halotestin is the best oral for strength IMO. All strength and no size but as always its your diet that will determine that. Give it some good research before you use it though. Potential rage issues with halo
I'm 24yo
90kg / 198lbs
4 years of traning
my max are

bench 175kg / 385lbs
squat 230kg / 507lbs
dl 285kg / 6230lbs

You've never used steroid and those are your lifts at 198lb? Goddamn you're fuking strong.

This is just my opinion, Go with anavar and start with 50mg for the first week then bump it up to 70-80mg, and go for minimum of 6 weeks, i recommend 10 weeks, anvar takes time to build up and the longer you run it the better the gains, after week 3 you should be making strength gains almost every workout.
You need to do a lot more research before starting an anabolic steroids cycle. There is no such thing as a strength only cycle. You have a lot to learn!
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