Why don't you click a few times and look for yourself. It's not like theres a set pct from N2tbm. There are various tho hd you can use. There's shit sold other places you can use. Search pct threads and see who used what and why. RESEARCH.
When you enter pct your estrogen and your test are high. You don't want the test to taper off and leave you with more estro than test. This is when guys get gyno. Which is why you want to run a very small dose of a.i. with pct. Or at least the beginning of pct.
Now if you have been running an a.i. during cycle then its my opinion that you can either drop it right at the beginning of pct or maybe a week into pct. But I would cut the dose or duration back even more.
The difference with aromasin and adex is that they don't block ALL estrogen like nolva does. Aromasin is the superior a.i. imo.
Nice reply mate, really appreciate that, and thanks to everyone for the replies. Have to say every single forum out there still recommends nolva etc for pct. Agree with what you guys are all saying about modern pct etc, makes sense, just need to re-learn everything again now.
so would recommend arimi/aroma over say clomid also? what if (as an e.g.) i dont need ai during as i have no sides, does that make a difference? A few mates run prop and never get sides (will definately always have it to hand though).
the only thing I would say is ADD to that.....hcgenerate throughout pct to continue the hcg benefits durning pct without suppression of hcg itself.
One or two pins of hmg if you can get it would help a ton also.