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cheapest bulking food


New member
when I did my first bulk I gained some decent weight. i think noob gains was why I gained very quickly. but to be honest I still didn't bulk properly.

I know how to diet now. I am on a cut and I am losing exactly 2lbs a week and have lost no muscle. i track my calories and macros to a t.

next time I bulk I am going to do it right.

I still didn't eat enough bulking and I didn't track them either. My maintenance is maybe 3100, bulking 3600. I probably ate different everyday. maybe 2800 here, 3400 here, 3000 here, 2900 here.

one reason is because I didn't think it mattered that much.

two is because I don't make enough money. I buy most of my stuff at costco right now.

next time I do it, I think the cheapest bulking food is rice. 8kg at costco is about 7 dollars.

I have heard milk in the US is very cheap. not where I am. It's $4.39 for 4L 1% milk, which is just over a gallon. I heard it's like 2 bucks in the US. that would seem like a better bulking food if you lived there. especially if you can get homo milk or even 2%.
I'm in the U.S. and milk is $5 a gallon. Eggs, chicken, beef, and tuna works for me.

Sent from my EVO4G.
I'm in the U.S. and milk is $5 a gallon. Eggs, chicken, beef, and tuna works for me.

Sent from my EVO4G.
yeah meat is very expensive here.

chicken is also very expensive. costco is the only choice for me. it's about $20-22 for about 12 days worth of chicken. you won't find it cheaper than that. at any grocery store it's maybe 12 dollars for 5 thighs. total rip.

I eat eggs everyday as well, but they aren't that high in calories to be a good bulk food. good protien, but not a bulk food. tuna the same.
^^^ i have a bulker in my signature with a bunch of great bulking foods and meals. one idea i write about is eating homemade/organic pancakes/waffles for breakfast. you can literally put on 15 pounds in a short time just adding them to your existing breakfast.

Oats are a wonderful bulking food. You can get plenty on the cheap, add protein powder to them and you can bake with them. Another benefit is their low Glycemic Index (GI) of 66, meaning they will be slowly grazed upon by your body and not send it into shock like a sugar alternative would. Eat oats upon waking or before a workout for a great, long lasting energy blast.

Ground Beef

Ground beef is packed with protein and fat. It is a great way to get those extra calories in without having to get something less optimal such as a pizza. By getting 85% lean and up you will be paying a little more, but getting more protein to feed your muscle.


Eggs are a must for bulking. The ‘legends’ swore by them in the 70’s, and they are still in the top 5 bodybuilding foods. Why? You can buy a dozen of them for $1.29, offering at least 60 grams of protein and good fats each. On a low fat diet? Go for just the egg white, and save your calories and fat content. Eggs are a must for anyone bulking.


Another dirt cheap, filling, and hearty food ready to make you pack on muscle. You can mash em’, fry em’ and put them in a stew. If you do not like the taste of normal potatoes you can always go for the sweet potato option that has almost the same caloric content, and even better tasting, hence the name ‘sweet’. If you are really looking to pack on the mass, you can even put the next item on our list on your sweet potato for a new out of this world combination.

Peanut Butter

Like a addict for crack, I am addicted to peanut butter. I can put it on ANYTHING. I think it really does make everything taste better. This is great for bulking since 2 tablespoons is almost 200 calories! I know when you are trying to hit your calories for the day this makes it much easier. Having trouble gaining? Every time you go into the kitchen have a spoonful and watch the muscle pile on.

Protein Powder

While this is not necessary solely for bulking, protein powder offers debatably the most important Macro in your diet; protein. Without it, you are going to have a hard time building muscle. Try mixing the oats, peanut butter and protein powder together for a concoction called “proats”.


Almonds, Peanuts, Cashews, Macadamia, the possibilities are endless. As long as you get plain, making sure they are not filled with added sugar you really cannot go wrong with adding some quick delicious calories. Try for a couple handfuls throughout the day for a easy addition of calories, healthy fats, and protein.

Whole Milk

Milk is cheap, and a foundation of bodybuilding along with eggs. You could go to the GOMAD(Gallon Of Milk A Day) route which supplies you with 2400kcal, 200g carbs, 120g fat, 120g protein and lots of vitamins & minerals for a relative low price. Add this on top of your Monster-Building diet and you will be on the right track.

Gainer Powder

Although eating real food is your best option, sometimes you just don’t have the time/energy to get those calories in. If that is the case, gainer might be your friend. Two scoops of some of these powders is 600+ calories of protein and carbs, perfect for getting those guns. Here you can find a array of gainers at reasonable price. I am partial to Optimum Nutrition’s Serious Mass since it is around $40 bux for 12lbs! Not only that, it is actually quality stuff. Be careful while buying gainers though. Many are just loaded with sugar and pretty much nothing else. Before purchasing any, try checking to make sure they are made from quality ingredients!

Here are 9 of the most basic Bulking foods you can eat. If your diet were to be concentrated on these foods, you will be able to build lean muscle without the worry of gaining too much body fat on your bulk. Don’t be afraid of a burger here or there, but try to keep it clean to keep it lean.
N2bulk! Good clean gains! BOOM!!!!
as I said it depends where you live. you said $1.29 for a dozen eggs. a dozen eggs where I live is 5 bucks.

if I go out to costco I can get 60 eggs for 11 dollars. not bad, the drive sucks but way better than grocery store rip off.

eggs are good protein, but they aren't that high in calories. i usually eat 3-4 a day. great protein.

oats yes, oats are cheap. again costco, get 2 huge sacks for like 8 bucks. i always eat oats in the morning with protein powder.

peanut butter. i eat 2-3 tablespoons a day on my cut. id eat more on a bulk but again this is expensive.

potatos yes. i don't eat potatos at all. next time i bulk this is a good idea. they are cheap.

nuts. way to expensive for the calories where i live.

milk super expensive as i said above.


top 3 I see so far for the price / calories:

- rice
- oats
- potatoes
shit dude where do you live the middle east? lol how can everything be so expensive? id go simple rice and chicken, baked potatoes veggies beans and tuna, oats 200grams a day, protien shake with extra carbs or oats mixed in, fruit,peanut butter is defo a good idea
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