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Who Here Doesn't Waste Money on Horror Movies?

Y_Lifter said:
Blair Witch project.. We screwed with some people camping in Ocala Natnl
forest once when we were hunting..
Piling up stuff outside of their tent and making noises etc in the middle of the night right after that movie came out..

Very funny shit. We used to rearange stuff in freshmen's rooms while they were asleep, in the shower, in class.

Bookstacking right out of Ghost Busters was a key move after you planted the seeds of 'yeah, the first dorm-parent here was a librarian that got butchered by a student that lived in this exact room... welcome the dorm, Skippy."

OH, and yes, seeing jaws as a kid summering on the East East end was frigging terrifying.
Milo Hobgoblin said:
Id spend a hundred dollars at the worst horror movie before Id spend 1 cent at a church.

Milo, when I saw your name come up I knew you were going to say something about God or religion. What makes you so bitter towards God. Did your puppy get run over or something when you were kid and are still bitter about it? Life is just a test and you are flunking wise up.
Im not bitter toward god, just zealot Christians whohave managed in all their wisdom to set human beings back 1000 years.

I have no opinion on god.

and if someone ran over my puppy.. Id balme that someone or the puppy for running over the street.. while you would blame Satan or some ambiguous thing like "gods will"
Milo Hobgoblin said:
Im not bitter toward god, just zealot Christians whohave managed in all their wisdom to set human beings back 1000 years.

I have no opinion on god.

and if someone ran over my puppy.. Id balme that someone or the puppy for running over the street.. while you would blame Satan or some ambiguous thing like "gods will"

Why do you say they have set humans back a 1000 years? I guarantee if Christianity wasn't so prevalent in the US our nation would have failed already because of moral decay. It happens to all heathen nations over history. Read up on it if you don't believe me.

You have to have a opinion on God. There is no way you couldn't have one. Either you think He or He doesn't.

And I would not blame God if my puppy died. The world was perfect before Adam and Eve screwed up. So it was us humans that put the world out of kilter do to sin.
curling said:
That is cold dude. I bet you had them crapping in their pants.

Huck, JAws yea that one made a few surfing trips not quite as enjoyable. That is why I am not going to see open water. I mean when I dive in Playa or cosumel you float on top of the water just like they are in that movie. One time we came up from a 100ft drift dive and the boat was not there. It took the boat almost an hour to find us. That would have been a scarier hour if I watched that movie I bet.

LOL,I just read yesterday where some experienced abalone diver had his head ripped off by an 18 foot Great White shark in Cali.His best friend got to observe the feast.Fun.
Moral decay??? It wasnt until your brethren took over Rome that it went to shit.. they did just fine when they kept you all in your place...

Hand Christians the key to the gates and they blew it.
LOL,I just read yesterday where some experienced abalone diver had his head ripped off by an 18 foot Great White shark in Cali.His best friend got to observe the feast.Fun.

Man, don't be telling me that I am going diving in Mexico at the end of this month. Damn I hate sharks. (ote to self get a bang stick for trip).
I am not a fan of "horror" movies. I do like the old black and white vampire movies with, Bella Lugossi, George Zucco, John Carradine, and others. Most horror movies now just want to see how much gore they can fit inti a set time frame.
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