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whats the best martial art


New member
hey guys I've been weight training for about 2 years whats the
best martial art to learn that works in real world situations.

I've got two friends who are both instructors, one is a jujitsu instructor in the UK army.

My other mate is a Wing Chun instructor, they both reakon their arts the best.

what so you guys think and have any of you lot been in fights where martial arts has come in handy?


So much for the "best" after reading the sticky thread. But I would really appreciate some information on some of the popular forms of maritial arts and what they kind of emphasize and bring to the table.

I'm thinking about getting involved but know absolutely nothing, I'm a 25 year old former college football player with mega joint issues and limited range of motion that I'm really looking to work out while getting, my speed, agility and flexibility back, while at the same time learning a good form of self defense.

Thanks alot!
hey visions, I'm no expert but wing chun sounds perfect for you, its the art that bruce lee learnt before he developed his own style.

Wing chuns all about winning using as little movement as possible, no flying kicks no back flips just taking peoples knees out then chain punching them until you win.

worth a look anyway.
visions said:
So much for the "best" after reading the sticky thread. But I would really appreciate some information on some of the popular forms of maritial arts and what they kind of emphasize and bring to the table.

I'm thinking about getting involved but know absolutely nothing, I'm a 25 year old former college football player with mega joint issues and limited range of motion that I'm really looking to work out while getting, my speed, agility and flexibility back, while at the same time learning a good form of self defense.

Thanks alot!

What arts are available to you. Like where I am from you can take Tae Kwon Do and more Tae Kwon Do and that is it. If you can give us an idea of what you have nearby, someone may be able to be more help.

I'm sure in nyc I'd be able to find any style of training.

Thanks for the info mtanda I'll check it out.
no way. im SURE wing chun is practised SOMEWHERE in new york! its quite a popular style

just go down to as many dojo's/training places as you can

do they look serious?
do they do some kind of conditioning?
do you think u could pull off the moves while wearing jeans and a jacket?
do they spar?
does the instructor have legitamate qualifications?
how many kids train, and do they interere with the class?
how much overall fighting is there (i.e. is the class all kicks and no punches etc)

id just go down and try it out. if its taught well and its moves are practical its probably worth doing :)
Danielson is right. There is Wing Chun places in and around NY.

do you think u could pull off the moves while wearing jeans and a jacket?
This is a great point bro. I've always stressed this to myself, students, and people I train with. When I would teach people, we would meet different places. Sometimes in a stadium, sometimes an office building, etc. In the stadium, we would practice things in the bleachers. Movement is drastically changed, as is the usefullness of many things. We would train in stairways, elevators, a cage I built in my yard the size of a telephone booth, inside a car, in a hot tub, a college classroom, etc. I would have about 12 people gather fairly tightly to simulate a crowd, then do weapon disarms in the middle of them, while they all pushed toward us. Under strange conditions, things change and improvization comes into play. I always liked doing that kind of junk:) Unfortunately, most fights aren't convenient enough to occur in a nice warm dojo on a mat, while you're wearing something comfy. Try a full guard on a sidewalk where I can grind your spine down against the curb, or a tornado kick in a crowded elevator.
what so you guys think and have any of you lot been in fights where martial arts has come in handy?
I haven't been in a large amount of street fights because I'm a good talker. I'd rather calm someone down and try to work things out anyday. Not only for the moral aspect, but the legal and injury considerations as well. But, what I have been in, grappling has been most beneifical because it limited the amount of damage I had to inflict on my opponent. Simple joint manipulations have always come through. Traditional Kdk ju-jitsu is to thank for that. If the situation is on a different level, where its necessary to damage the person badly, then Muay Thai is a good friend. Not many people expect a Thai kick to the thigh or a front kick to start things off. Nor do many people have conditioned thighs(or solarplexus') that can withstand the kick. Wing Chun is good if you're proficient enough. However, if you want to learn something practical fairly quick, I would recommend Muay Thai, as it is a very simple and efficient system. You can develop a solid foundation and comfort level in a very short time relative to other arts. Adding the ju-jitsu you're talking about to MT skills would be ideal, and round you off very nicely.
Great info guys, those are the kind of prerequisite idea's I was looking for in searching out a sufficient form of martial art. Just one question, how would I determine what could and could not be done in a jean jacket let alone comfortable clothes which that in itself I will have a hard time dealing with due to my imobility.

What type of stretching routine do you guys do, is it a great emphasis on the training or is it moreso skill development?
well a good place to start is could you realistically kick head height or do jumping flashy kicks in jeans

a lot of places might say kick to the head always and train u as such.....whereas in reality kicking lower (or punching) might be more useful. that sort of thing
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