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What the hell is on my back, puss keeps pouring out!!!

velvett said:

Sounds like a sebaceous cyst - is the puss like a mix of white, grey, yellow and maybe a bit of blood and really foul smelling?

They are not unusual and has nothing to do specificially with AS use - anyone with skin can get one - hell people can have them under the skin in various parts of the body and don't know it. A lot of the time it's some sort of trauma to the skin or an infected hair folicle that will bring them to be noticed - tender and possibly painful.

If it a SC - the sac under the skin has ruptured and that was the fluid is and being that the lump has grown it would be a very good idea to see a doctor - it you can get to the dermatologist go there first - if not try and get a referal.

You'll be fine - just get it checked/fixed - they'll either remove it or treated with steriods/antibiotic or both.

Yup I did not even know what a steroid was when I had mine removed. It was an ingrown hair folicle more than likely that caused mine. They said it was harmless I could have left it had I wanted but I was only like 15 it was on the side of my face.
Probably a sebaceous cyst. Usually an infected hair follicle. You can have it removed by any Dr.
fullybuilt said:
Thanks guys. The SC seems like the most logical anwser. The only other thing is maybe "lipoma" Thats a benign tumor that is non cancerous and usually can go untreated. I guess its also colorless and painless.

tumor is a solid mass, wouldnt drain like you have have a cyst, they will refill.....but you can have it cut out.
chazk said:
well my father a few years ago hadthe same exact thingon his upper back .a dime sized hard lump my mom would pop it for him over and over it would go down a few months then start to bump up once more when she popped it a cottage cheese nasty puss would come out and it stunk up the whole room real bad like some kind of a rotten animal.He end up getting it cut out after a few years and relized it wasnt just abig zit .It was a cyst the doctor never really explained why it did it or how he just said it happens.My dad did also take some medication for it that seemed to work for awhile but it would always come back after a few months

I do not know if yours is as bad but that might give ya a little insight before your doctors visit.btw my father has never juiced a day of his life and does not liftweights.but has a pretty naturalkly thick build. I suspect it some kind of a testosterone glandular problem

I had the SAME thing, I am only 21 and it was disgusting LOL puss would come out but luckily I had a supportive GF at the time who would pop if i asked =) , it has since gone away Im pretty sure =)
staph infection, or cyst, either one the dr. will show you how to drain it, clean it, and will put you on antibiotics. at least till you have it removed.

Ego Boner
Well we thought we got it all out but today it looked even bigger. Like double the size. I figured its because it was swollen from being squeezed to death for 30mins, so we tried again and it took like 10min to drain it all today. Luckly there wasnt even half the puss as last time. Mainly just clear fluids and blood today, so im presuming its getting better. I let hot water run on it for like 10mins after it was all squeezed out and we squeezed again and just a few pin drops of clear fluid and blood came out. We'll just have to see what happens tomorrow. If we have to drain a lot more out tomorrow and it hasnt gotten better I may just have the ER drain it, but either way im gonna make a dermotologist apt on monday. Problem is those bastards have like 6week minimum's before you can get in.
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