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Upcoming Summer Cycle


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Planning my summer run so need you guys to look it over and point out where I need help.

Age 40
Wt 180
Ht 5'3"
BF 13% and dropping

Cycle history: This is my 3rd injectable run. First was just 400 test E, Ran Forma but still got lumps... Had to resort to letro. 2nd run 500 mg test E with proviron with beast kicker. Week 6 started getting lumps...started exemestane 12.5 eod to help. Had to resort to letro. Also got gyno from a diesel/epi run with proper precautions taking forged bromo and formalin....Finishing up a letro run now. I'm just one of the lucky bastards that is prone to gyno.

Since I'm so prone to gyno I'm scared of running test again. My plan is

1-14 week Primo 600wk
1-14 week Mast E 400wk
1-14 HCGenerate
1-6 N2guard
1-6 Epi

Standard Unleash/post cycle, Formastanzol, creatine and Anabeta.

I will run test if needed, maybe a lower dose around 200 or 300 a week. I just don't want to have to rely on frigging letro anymore. I still have exestane and letro on hand Lord forbid any sypmtoms arise. Look it over and see what I might be missing.
you've done your research very well my friend... smart on picking non aromatizers... epi is a good kicker for this... i think it all looks pretty damn good... i feel for you that you have these issues but I cannot see you having any on this cycle... i know you will have an ai on hand, im assuming you have plenty of letro as it is... you've got great size for your height... primo 14 weeks is great... i would just stay away from test man... if you have the same problem over and over then just stay away from it... you could possibly just use something like transaderm if you really want any sort of test (even though thats a totally different concept) it will still give you something... otherwise i would just stick with your layout... good luck to you bro!
Thanks Dylan
I'll probably go ahead and use transaderm with this. I hate I can't use test too. The money I spent on this run I could have got a 55 gal drum of test.
you don't need test, that cycle is good.. even primo alone for 14 weeks if its legit will be terrific.

you could kickstart the cycle with some beastdrol to give you a bump right off the bat.. if you do then need n2guard or atleast some liver support
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