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UFC 63 Hughes vs Penn

Great fight as predicted. I can't take anything away from Penn, he stopped every takedown attempt Hughes gave, was hitting him hard, and tried everything to submit him. But late round conditioning did Penn in. Everyone saw Penn stumble to his feet at the end of the 2nd round, he was gassed. Hughes saw it, started pounding Penn becasue he couldnt keep his hands up, and that set up the takedown. That fkn crucifix hold is unfknreal. No1 can stop that once it's locked in. Hughes pounded BJ's head like a mallet on a pork chop. Hughes is the man.
BJ Penn is a fat little hawaiian bitch, he needs to go back to hawaii and do a few cycles and get lypo. His conditioning was horrible. Hughes also looked really bad until he pinned doughboy down in the third round with a crucifix and pounded his ugly little face into submission.
BJ is a serious talent, and he would have won if he trained his conditioning.

end of story.

Matt Hughes is a freak of nature though, great champion !!!
norsemuscle said:
BJ Penn is a fat little hawaiian bitch, he needs to go back to hawaii and do a few cycles and get lypo. His conditioning was horrible. Hughes also looked really bad until he pinned doughboy down in the third round with a crucifix and pounded his ugly little face into submission.
I would love to see you say this to BJ face..........that would be a riot! :)
norsemuscle said:
BJ Penn is a fat little hawaiian bitch, he needs to go back to hawaii and do a few cycles and get lypo. His conditioning was horrible. Hughes also looked really bad until he pinned doughboy down in the third round with a crucifix and pounded his ugly little face into submission.

You talk tough I dare you to say that to BJ's Face he will make you his little bitch bitch lol........
Hughes will win. Penn is talented but Hughes is hungry and still young in the sport. He has more room to grow than Penn.
athlete.03 said:
Hughes will win. Penn is talented but Hughes is hungry and still young in the sport. He has more room to grow than Penn.

Bold prediction... considering the fight already happened well before this post.
Hey buddy lets not get personal here. Anything I say on here I would definantly say to his face. Don't get butt hurt that your little doughboy idle got his face pounded in. Blow Job Penn doesnt intimidate me in the least LOL ;) There are thousands of fighters in heavier weight classes that would kill Penn with ease. He has a tiny fat frame. He is way overrated, only you BJJ guys like him. Get over it BJJ is overrated
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