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This holiday sucks, Bah Fucking Humbug...


New member
Today was my first family event without the wife, God Damn I felt like I was missing a fucking arm the whole time. I'm so used to having my partner, my best friend, my soulmate along with me, that I've forgotten how to "fit in" by myself. I'm the only single adult in the family now. While they all are talking about suburban American life as Happy Married Parents, I have nothing to talk about with any one of them, nothing to add in anyone's conversation. I felt like an outsider in my own family.

No one really wants to hear how I'm doing, about how I wake up in the middle of the night reaching for my wife who isnt' there, how I loathe going to bed without her, how I absofuckinglutely hate getting up alone in the mornings. How I don't get phone calls in the middle of the day from her just to say hello, how I eat alone most every night now, how my dog sits by the door waiting for a woman to come home who never will. How I can't fucking wait for this Christmas to be over with so I don't have to celebrate it alone in my house, how I'm going out for New Years with all of my married friends as the one and only Single Guy, the Divorced Guy, the guy they are all afriad of because it could be them next.

I'm glad that everyone is happy, their kids are doing well, Sue will drive Jim home because he is sleepy, Hank and Tara are going shopping all day tomorrow and having lunch together, Tom is going to clean the house while his wife bakes cookies and cakes all day, my brother and his woman are just going to snuggle and watch movies all day. Me, I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do, maybe I'll just go for a walk, alone. Maybe I'll take a sledgehammer to something just to make it feel like I do, utterly destroyed.

For now, I'm going to polish off this bottle of wine and get the next future empty bottle started, because it longs to be just empty glass again. And I need to pass out so I don't have to think about this shit. Time to crank the stereo just to stir the stillness and quietness of my empty house. Happy Fucking Holidays.
get your dog a girlfriend, go out with a new group of people (preferably single) rather than the married crowd, and have fun. youre either going to wallow in dispair and have a shitty time, OR youre going to use your brain, and put yourself in a positive social setting where you will have new opportunities for friendship, companionship, and fun.

make lemonade, you sad bastard
(i think the bikini model is coming back soon, please share my good mood ;) )
Shhiiit, I'm the grande' fucking master on the loner're fresh out the box.
Think this is bad? Wait till Christmas, my friend...that's wehn all the demons come out.
I was like that when I split with my girl for 2 months,it was fucking weird,like learning to walk again,hopefully you get the happy ending to bro
man that would suck, you think you have your life all wrapped up and than something like that happens.

You gotta move on though
forge, i'm sorry you have to go through this. its only temporary and i know its hard, but you have to think positively. She didn't want to be in the marriage... you're a nice guy- you're GOING to meet a woman who DOES want to be married to you- who wants to share life with you.
Not to sound sarcastic -- but it sucks to be you...... I've been there I know how you ex hubby left in November, just B4 Thanksgiving......hang in there....
Sucks you have happy married friends. See their smiles and seeing there kids grow...
I nevefr had to put up with that shit....
Welcome to the On the outside looking in club...I think you're gonna be here for a whilee, but I'd love to see you prove me wrong

Think, think, think...take a drink :beer:

yoda: He's not too old to restart the training :nerd:
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