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The Dorian Yates Cycle

Actually I saw some pretty recent pics, he looks quite healthy. Still very lean and very big. If he's sick he doesn't look it on the outside. Yet anyway :)
they can survive it, they all do, what you also got to factor in is that they get blood evals eow to once a month. Also. our bodies can tolerate more than we think while on aas. here was an old lee haney cycle that was passed on to me by one of his ex training partners.

800mg EQ
1000mg test cyp
400mg of Methandriol
60mg anavar 6 weeks
50 mg or methyl test eod for 3 weeks/ 3wk on 3wk off for 4-6 months
nolva 40mg ed
clomid 100mg every 4 weeks
l dopa daily(mg?)
tesp prop150mg eod
8iu's humatrope 2x daily
Escilclene inj in Bi's/calves three times week

all year round
occasionally added winny @100mg daily
primobolan 400mg weekly close to comp

these guys staye don orals much longer than we have the balls to do it
they also used prescription liver aids, I will post the name later when i find it.
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TheRide said:
I saw a similar cycle listed in an article in T-Mag. 1/2 of those drugs I've never even heard of.

I'm surprised there aren't more ancilar's or side effect combatants in there.

no ancils b/c coming off is NEVER an option at this level
That's absolutely ridiculous. I don't believe anyone can handle that many drugs at once, or would need them. Maybe he did a few of those at once, and diff. ones at diff. times, but come on.
It just kinda wakes you up to read about those cycles. There is a whole other "level" out there, and pretty much everyone around here doesn't have the balls to take it there. We talk about our little gram of test cycles, and think we're really hittin' it hard, and then something like this gets posted and you just kinda take a step back and say WHOA! At that level, coming off is not an option. Would any of us choose to be on HRT the rest of our lives? I know I wouldn't.
I really can't see anyone taking that much, but I suppose it's possible. I saw this years ago and thought like many on here, no way. But now I think maybe.. :worried:
ryan04 said:
That's absolutely ridiculous. I don't believe anyone can handle that many drugs at once, or would need them. Maybe he did a few of those at once, and diff. ones at diff. times, but come on.

I hear ya bro, I think the body would just go into shock if you put that much foreign substances in it. I shot 9ml one day and was sick for two days after and I put it down to too much gear in too little time. Stupid ass front loading theories! lol

UglyASS :p
My question would not be whether dorian would have taken that much, if that what it took to be on top. He'd have taken twice that three times a day. I just question how he came to the conclusion that he needed that much. I gotta wonder if there isn't a point, much earlier than the above cycle, where the body stops using the gear and just starts fighting like hell to expel it from the body. More so than doubting if he could survive that much gear, I question if he would have seen it as effective. He wanted to win, period, but he doesn't strike me as the type of guy who wasn't honest with himself about when to stop. His whole training philosophy took an iron will to go all out and then have the will to not do more b/c mental worries be damned, he knew stopping made him grow. I think he'd approach gear the same way. I completely believe he was on ungodly amounts of gear, but not the cycle posted. Just my opinion though, who really knows but dorian?
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