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**Take a look at this DORIAN YATES CYCLES**

WHAT i'm wondering is how does he manage to inject all that shit. EG say a cycle of his includes suspension it normally comes in 100mg/ml 3cc's per injection that's 4 a weeks and 3'cc each time as well as all the other shit there especially all that test and tren.:alien:

3 1/2 grams of test???? This is bullshit. I think that whoever said that he does this total for the year may be right. If you were to do this all at would ummmmm never be the same....and really fucked up!
Yenigma, you just made me laugh, funny post:) Also, I agree with whoever said that too many of the drugs listed don't make any sense to take together. finaject plus parabolon, anadrol+d-bol, deca+laurabolon, enanthate plus sustanon. You never know though, maybe Dorian believed that they all hit different receptors LOL.
For sure that's no fun anymore using those quantities even spread over a year :bawling: don't even mention the cost of such an amount. I hope I NEVER become so dependent of Gear! :(
Thanks, i will do the same::::::::::))))))))))

He is crazy....with all of that he is not beautiful
be to big is not beautiful for me.....just althetic!!!!

i think that it is better to have roids all the year with small result
I can believe it, but not all at the same time. I happen to know his main supplier and those drugs and brands are the main ones his supplier has recommended to other people - obviously not in those dosages. I believe he probably uses all those products in those dosages but only some of them during different times of the year. He also forgot to put nubain on the list.
For anyone who thinks the Pro's don't use much gear.

I've been told he was spending $100,000 per year on gear alone.

Rumour has it he is broke now and working as a doorman in some night club in his home town Birmingham.

Now do you still want to be Mr O?
So I've been told.

I've talked to quite a few pro's who have told me they are just scraping a living.

The B*****d supplement company leaches are the only ones who really gain out of the sport.

They are the ones who supply these up and coming bodybuilders with just enough funds for drugs to create the look they are after.

Then they advertise the hell out of them "look what meso gain 6,000,000 did for Joe bloggs, he gain 30 lb's of muscle and lost 40 lb's of fat in just 6 weeks".
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