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**Take a look at this DORIAN YATES CYCLES**


New member
I don't think he does this all in one go otherwise he'd be dead. But this is what he done through out the year while he was a pro, dorian revelled it in a seminar in Norway.

Genotropin 16 IE 7IU 3xDay= HGH
Humalog 10Iu 4xDay = fast insulin
Anapolon 100mgs 4-5xDay=Anadrol
Metanabol 15-20mgs 5xDay=Dianabol
Finabolan 1500mgs week= finaplix injectable
Testosterone Suspension 1200mgs week
IGF-1/Prostaglandin 4xDay)
Halotestin 10mgs 4xDay= strength
Drolban 20mgs 5xDay= Masteron
Triacana 25mcgs 3xDay=cytomel
Broncoterol "doesn't list"- clenbuterol
Nandrolone Decanoate 1000mgs week- deca-durabolan
Diprospan "doesn't list" (Never heard of it)
Primobolan Depot 600mg week
Stromba Tabs 100mgs day= winny
Zitazonium 10mgs 3xDay=Nolvadex
Trembolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate 1060mgs week= parabolan
Testosterone Enathate 800mgs week
Bolderone Undeconate 1200mgs week=EQ
Clomiphene Citrate 150mgs day= clomid
Superbolin (Austrailian)= Nandrolone
Pentestone 20mgs 2xDay= Andriol
Testosterone Blend 1500mgs week= sustenon
L-Dopa (does not list)"
If its really his cycle drugs, I am real surprised not to see any Proviron and Arimidex? Or did I miss it, long list! lol
No arimidex cuz that cycle was posted awhile back on this board if memory serves correct..this doesn't even look like a cycle, it may be estimates of what average doses of the drugs he uses, but not all simulataneously..too many drugs don't combine sensibly at all, he probably alternates drugs often though.
OH! SWOLLEN you fuckin shit bag? I got this off this board a long time ago and if you read my post I said this is what he does throughout the year. You WANKER you propably think he done 400mg of primo and 10mg of dbol.
BIGEDD said:
I don't think he does this all in one go otherwise he'd be dead. But this is what he done through out the year while he was a pro, dorian revelled it in a seminar in Norway.

Genotropin 16 IE 7IU 3xDay= HGH
Humalog 10Iu 4xDay = fast insulin
Anapolon 100mgs 4-5xDay=Anadrol
Metanabol 15-20mgs 5xDay=Dianabol
Finabolan 1500mgs week= finaplix injectable
Testosterone Suspension 1200mgs week
IGF-1/Prostaglandin 4xDay)
Halotestin 10mgs 4xDay= strength
Drolban 20mgs 5xDay= Masteron
Triacana 25mcgs 3xDay=cytomel
Broncoterol "doesn't list"- clenbuterol
Nandrolone Decanoate 1000mgs week- deca-durabolan
Diprospan "doesn't list" (Never heard of it)
Primobolan Depot 600mg week
Stromba Tabs 100mgs day= winny
Zitazonium 10mgs 3xDay=Nolvadex
Trembolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate 1060mgs week= parabolan
Testosterone Enathate 800mgs week
Bolderone Undeconate 1200mgs week=EQ
Clomiphene Citrate 150mgs day= clomid
Superbolin (Austrailian)= Nandrolone
Pentestone 20mgs 2xDay= Andriol
Testosterone Blend 1500mgs week= sustenon
L-Dopa (does not list)"

Ok, right off the bat I think you made some mistakes copying
this list.

20mgs 2X/day of Andriol??????? That won't do SHIT.
(He'd need more like 2g/day for any effect)
(Trust me I've gone as high as 800mg Andriol/day)


Triacana 25mcgs 3X/day won't do shit either.
(I think he was referring to cytomel)

The rest I believe.

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