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Steroids and cancer

Do you remember theclockwork?

He was a good bro here.

I think he got testicular cancer and I think he did a lot of research into cancer and steroid use link. But I don't think he found anything.

b0und (just saying)
So I'm sitting at a family BBQ, brought my own meal.. Cup brown rice, cup broccoli and some grilled chicken with terriaki sauce....
My family starts commenting on my size and I assure them it's all diet which they buy... The say "you don't look like ur on riods" bc there under impression everyone on riods is Arnold...

Anyway, they start going off about how awful they are for you and what not.... And then literally each one brings up a steroid and cancer story... My one cousin said his work buddy is massive but in recovery for liver cancer...
What's ur opinions on riods and cancer???

you brought that shit to a fucking BBQ??? WTF? Are you getting ready for a BBing comp or something?

Nobody would have said a damn thing about your skinny ass not taking steroids if you'd have just eaten the god damn delicious food they grilled up.

Fuck your diet. Who are you? Jay Cutler? Shiiiiiiaat!
you brought that shit to a fucking BBQ??? WTF? Are you getting ready for a BBing comp or something?

Nobody would have said a damn thing about your skinny ass not taking steroids if you'd have just eaten the god damn delicious food they grilled up.

Fuck your diet. Who are you? Jay Cutler? Shiiiiiiaat!

you brought that shit to a fucking bbq??? Wtf? Are you getting ready for a bbing comp or something?

Nobody would have said a damn thing about your skinny ass not taking steroids if you'd have just eaten the god damn delicious food they grilled up.

Fuck your diet. Who are you? Jay cutler? Shiiiiiiaat!

I'm 47 and I do worry (a little) about prostate cancer. They know testosterone at least aggravates it and if you get it, they give you drugs to reduce DHT. Wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that AAS increases the risk of prostate cancer.
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