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So what's a good way to trash someone's car a little?


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I'm having severe issues with a woman in my parking garage who is basically being a huge biatch and sticking her nose into business that doesn't concern her (my girlfriend and I sharing a parking space). She has been bitching and complaining to management of the building about it because her and her husband rent two spaces - even though I don't live there and only park there when my girlfriend is at work. I know who it is because the property manager and I get along and he told me which car is hers. I'm thinking that I want to do something to it but not something that causes permanent damage.

I've heard vaseline is a bitch to get off of a windshield and sugar in the gas tank can really mess a car up for a while. Anyone know any good ideas to mess up a woman's vehicle? I thought about slashing her tires but that's a little too much IMO. Keying would also be a little over the top.

Good ideas! Banana in the exhaust pipe?
dont fuckin touch her car. be a goddamn man and handle it like one. if you are breakin the rules, no matter how frivelous they may seem you are still wrong so dont go fuckin up her property cuz you think she is tellin on you for being wrong.
Get a valve stem tool and loosen the cores to all her valve stems on her tires. She'll have four flats, but you won't have to stand there and let all the air out manually. And no permanent damage is done. She'll be out a wrecker fee or an AAA call though.

They have valve stem tools in the "Help" tools section at Auto Zone.
a little vaseline on her windshield and dish detergent lining her wiper blades.

that will make a huge mess.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh she'll know it was you.

How much you love your car? Car karma is crazy - I know - trust me.

But if you really must do something take Mr.dB's advice but don't do it at the garage - you'll have to do it at her place of work or the supermarket she shops at and don't get caught.

Oh and don't do the vaseline thing - if she doesn't realize until it's raining then you make just cause and innocent person to get into accident with her - DOUBLE bad car karma.
i would get one of those whistle tips and put it in her tail pipe. it will make a shitload of noise and likely embarass them but won't do any permanent damage.

im still not sure exactly why you want to mess with this person's car though?
Piss into a plastic bottle. the 1st piss of the day, over a week period. pour it into her front windscreen vents.

2-5 minutes before you do, add those liquid crystals (crystal rain? plant moisture crystals) to it, they absorb liquid and expand. this makes sure the stench lingers.
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