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Post up a problem with your training and i will help you

Reading is great. I have almost every book from EliteFTS.

Sauna? :) It is 130's in the Sun here most days and we only have A/C in our

But relaxing is as much a part of progress as the training CAN be for some people.

or you can just sleep all day :) lol
im too weak and too small.. can you help :(

yes i have musclerexia lol
Dave: I have the same problem so this would be like one junkie trying to help another quit, lol.

AA: Check out that nike chip i was talking about that syncs to your ipod. Admittedly i am a geek and love new technology but i think if you can put your cardio into number and track what your doing it will make it more enjoyable.
i need cardio and stretching to be as fun as weightlifting...please help

Good luck with that.

This is what I do.... I train M/W/F so on T/TH/S I will do ~30 minutes of low intensity cardio (incline treadmill walking) and then static stretches. This is an example....

30 minutes of cardio
30 shoulder dislocates
30 broom twists
30 second hang for time
10-20 hanging twist
Static stretches (hams, hips, piriformis, calves, lats, shoulders, chest, tris)

The Only 6 Static Stretches You Should Really Do |

I can tell a huge difference in recovery/performance when I miss one of these cardio/stretch sessions.
Good luck with that.

This is what I do.... I train M/W/F so on T/TH/S I will do ~30 minutes of low intensity cardio (incline treadmill walking) and then static stretches. This is an example....

30 minutes of cardio
30 shoulder dislocates
30 broom twists
30 second hang for time
10-20 hanging twist
Static stretches (hams, hips, piriformis, calves, lats, shoulders, chest, tris)

The Only 6 Static Stretches You Should Really Do |

I can tell a huge difference in recovery/performance when I miss one of these cardio/stretch sessions.

it looks good. I am swithcing to an every other day routine next month. I will add the active recovery cardio and stretching. It doesn't seem like nearly enough stretching or work for my hamstrings. They are my least flexible muscle and need the most work.
Hey guys. I wanted advice on a new routine i could do if my goals are muscle mass gains and strength. So far i have done a cycle of Stronglifts 5x5 for about 5 weeks and a cycle of the Bill Starr's routine for 9 weeks. I have made some good gains strength wise but i guess i didnt grow that much because my diet sucked.

I wondered if there is any other routine out there that will give me some good results or if i just should stick with 5x5. Something new would be cool though to make it more fun going to the gym. Thanks!

By the way im 5'7'', about 150lbs and ectomorph
I'm stuck on a routine to do for an 8-week cycle of Anavar / Tren-TFO.
I want to cut body fat as much as possible while maintaining or gaining a little lean muscle.
So far my back, chest and legs are coming along nicely, but arms and shoulders are lagging.

Current routine is M-F:
5 sets * 8 reps Flat Bench
5 * 10 Hammer Strength Rows
5 * 8 Incline Bench
5 * 10 Lat Pulldown
3 * 10 Side Lateral Raise
5 * 12 Tricep Pressdown
5 * 12 DB Bicep Curls

10 * 12 Squats

Some sort of Cardio (Treadmill, Bike, etc)
on one of the days i'll do a weighted ab routine.

I'm thinking while on cycle I should do some sort of 3 day split?

For diet I'm thinking 60/20/20, and on off days do 70/25/5

Any thoughts?
Ah so its just the change in muscles worked? & I did stick with it, Iv squatted wide for ages, since about christmas, but it started getting weak and I was stuck at the same weight for over a month so I swapped to oly squats which I will stick to.

i think you have a foundation already. listen to your body it cant possibly stear you wrong. if your getting stuck after a wk or a month or 6 months and changing it up gets you moving forward again then change it up. never just sit there stuck.
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