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PCT - It ain't easy bros!


New member
Alright, so after 6 weeks on 400mgs a week of test prop, I ventured in to PCT, up 17 pounds and feeling like god lol, I thought it'd be a breeze as I had everything sorted.

Week 1 - Didn't feel too bad, but knew I was "off" so to speak, using 10pumps a day of Formastanazol, Unleashed, Post cycle, DAA, lost 2lbs and wasn't too disappointed with that

Week 2 - Could feel the day to day fluctuations, also Fri-Sun I had 4 shifts of work and a short changeover between 2 of them, 3am home 8am start etc, anyway my right nipple started to get sore, itchy, annoying as anything late that week and throughout the weekend, start to worry, also jumped on the scales and lost 7lbs! upped the forma, upped the post cycle, had clomid on hand but didn't think about using it yet, also noticeably libido was down, not totally shot but definitely down.

Week 3 - Better sleep, still on extra doses of forma and post cycle and my nipple was now not itchy or agitating me, still looked a bit puffy but wasn't sure if that was me thinking it or it was, no lumps or anything near or under the nipple. Actually hit a PB on bench press this week too, which was surprising, also I was up 2lbs from the previous week, libido was kicking back in.

Week 4 (still in it) Feeling great, strength still up, libido I wouldn't say is 100% back to where I think it should be, but it's improved as the weeks have gone on, I have an extra bottle of unleashed that I may just keep running and continue the DAA as well, also up another 2lbs from last week, so as of now I have lost 5 pounds in pct, when it looked like it could be a lot worse, should I be happy with that?

I guess in conclusion DO NOT HALF ASS YOUR PCT! I may run a low dose of clomid next cycle, but you really should have everything at the ready and be able to also up dosages of said PCT products, also eat more than you were on cycle if possible, I was getting calories whenever and however I could to gain that weight back I lost in week 2, and seeing as my strength is still around where I was when I was on cycle for most lifts I'd say it worked.

Also probably won't run prop again imo, quad pins were excellent, ventroglute left some pip and even a bit of a limp for me, shoulders were horrendous, if I pinned a shoulder monday there was no chance of smashing a shoulder workout till at least Friday.

Side wise oily as fuuaark skin was my main bad side, good sides I have never felt so alpha in my life, just felt like I could do no wrong, and in the gym I just felt more intense than I ever have before. I still feel good now being off but nowhere near that feeling of "I'm better than you, and I know it" mentality haha, all in all a good run and I'm rambling now but once again TAKE PCT SERIOUSLY, if I didn't, I'd probably be fishing around for some B-cups and being limp dicked.......

Edit: On cycle supports

On cycle:

1-3 5 pumps forma am and pm
1-6 cycle Support
1-6 Tococaps (Always take them anyway)
3-6 .5mg liquidex from Chemneed
3-7 HCGenerate 3caps am 2 caps pm
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Thanks a lot for this nice break-down of your PCT experience ... I liked reading it and the emphasis on proper PCT is good ... I always try and tell ppl that your PCT is just about more important than your cycle.
Cheers mate :) I just can't imagine going in without a proper PCT it or running more than one compound first cycle, going to get bloods done in a week or so, maintain for a bit and then start a cut, most probably do an ostarine cycle somewhere during my cut or maybe something else, I haven't researched too much to do with compounds and cutting. The main thing I am impressed with is I have kept the strength up throughout PCT, even when things weren't looking so great.

With bloods to come, there's no doubting NTBM's products work, maybe just make sure you cater to your own bodies needs instead of running doses of what everyone else is doing as everyone reacts differently. HCGenerate brought my boys back in 4-5 days mid cycle, was impressed.
I don;t think the problem was no Clomid -- it may have been too much forma. Peopel get carried away trying to lower estrigen post cycle but there really isn;t much of a psoit cycle spike in estrogen. Lowering it too much can kill libido. Also, forma can be suppressive so it's best used on cycle. Switch to a tiny bot of a-dex. HCGen should also be used on cycle to slow the suppression down.

My advice -- double up on the UNLEASHED. You're using protein factory POST-CYCLE and libido isn't up? That's odd. It usually gives guys raging boners. Get some BRIDGE. You'll feel better in no time.
your PCT was fine. you could of added a very small dose of clomid and ran the forma DURING cycle instead.

i would say you failed to run the proper ancillaries DURING cycle and you depended too much on your PCT.

next time run the forma DURING.. run the hcgenerate DURING. then KICKSTART your pct with some shots of hcg.. and THEN run the pct as you did above. and you will notice a tremendous difference in recovery.

and yes i agree up your carbs during pct.. so what if you gain some fat, atleast you will preserve the muscle.. you should have a low body fat anyway and have room to add SOME fat.

also the fact that you gained 17 pounds during your cycle tells me you are either very new to the scene or you are way below your genetic potential. 17 pounds is a lot of weight. so yes netting 12 pounds total as you did i would be very happy as long as my body fat did not go up
I don;t think the problem was no Clomid -- it may have been too much forma. Peopel get carried away trying to lower estrigen post cycle but there really isn;t much of a psoit cycle spike in estrogen. Lowering it too much can kill libido. Also, forma can be suppressive so it's best used on cycle. Switch to a tiny bot of a-dex. HCGen should also be used on cycle to slow the suppression down.

My advice -- double up on the UNLEASHED. You're using protein factory POST-CYCLE and libido isn't up? That's odd. It usually gives guys raging boners. Get some BRIDGE. You'll feel better in no time.

Yes, its not that you get an estrogen spike its that you get the drop in test which fucks up the estro/test ratio.
You definatley should have had something like either HCgenerate or HCG in there. It would have made a big difference. Continue the new bottle of unleashed til your out. its not too late to add hcgenerate either. Your balls will thank you.
Nelson - libido is definitely up and morning wood is there but just in terms of in my head it isn't as high as it usually is (usually chasing up girls everywhere but atm it's more of a "meh couldn't be bothered feeling) then again that could just be me not giving a fuck about women currently. My libido exists and pre cycle it was always ridiculous and on cycle it was stupid how high it was so I guess I'm just not used to it being as high as it usually is..... Buying some Bridge soon which I probably should of always got around to earlier, but it gets shipped fast here anyway :)

Steve - I did run HCGenerate during, not in PCT, dropped forma for the last 3 weeks on cycle and used .5mg Adex a day so my Estrogen shouldn't of been sky high going in to PCT at all, hence why I was a little confused when my nipple was irritating the fuck out of me. I'm 198lbs now at around 12-13% started at 186ish I did start a little earlier than I should have I'll admit that and probably could of gained a fair bit more natty, but what's done is done, haven't gained much fat in PCT as far as I can tell and not on cycle either.

I guess I should of outlined what I ran on cycle as well, my bad lol.

On cycle:

1-3 5 pumps forma am and pm
1-6 Cycle Support
1-6 Tococaps (Always take them anyway)
3-6 .5mg Liquidex from Chemneed
3-7 HCgenerate 3caps am 2 caps pm

Will be double dosing the spare unleashed bottle I have, love the stuff anyway.
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^^^ you did everything right except you could of enhanced things with some hcg to kickstart your PCT.

but sounds to me you did fine. test prop will shut you down severely so to start to recover in 4 weeks is extremely good. the good thing about prop though is its out of the body quicker than E.

now your next step is to run bloods and post them up so we can watch your progress into bridge.
Yeh can definitely see how HCG would help, will get some before even running my next cycle which will be a while down the track. Will post bloods in a week or two, I'm probably being a bit pedantic with my libido, the only real worrying thing was the nipple problems but it did go away in a few days.

Cheers guys, just good to vent on here about my experience and of course get more tips for smoother pct in the future :)
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