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Nolvadex (Never done any steroids before - completely new to this idea)


New member
Ok, I know Nolvadex isn't technically a steroid. I've done a little research on it, and it seems like it prevents estrogen binding, and does slightly increase test levels. For someone who has never done any steroid before, what kind of effects could I notice if I continued at taking 10mg a day for a couple weeks? I figure at my age I'm still producing a lot of test, so something like this might actually help me see decent results.

I did not purchase these, they just appeared on my desk, so I figured why not take them.

Stats: 6'2" 195 pounds 20 yrs old

Note: Been working out for 6 years and I've come a long way from where I started but no where near where I'd like to be even though I've run a pretty decent diet and workout with high intensity on some good programs (recommended to me here). I'm getting really frustrated and I need to put on some good lean weight as fast as possible for my sport.

Edit: Just read the rules (of course) after I actually post something, Nolvadex isn't a steroid so I'm not sure if I can ask about it or not... if not just let me know and this won't be an issue.
yes nolvadex isn't a steroid but at 20 years old you don't need to know what nolvadex is or what it does as you need not worry about it right now.

having said that the best thing you can do is flush them down the toilet.

ie. at 20 years old your body has fully developed and matured yet. so give it time..

head over to the diet and lifting sections. no need to be posting questions on here
well trust me it won't help you, I had this dump idea once. I've found myself stalled no matter what I do and felt weird so I decided to stop it and guess what everything went back to normal fast but again I do know my body well and I log everything.
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