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New baby, when the hell do I get to the gym

The MN Bulk said:
I am the proud dad of a 7 week old baby boy. The problem is that I am also a fat ass that hasn't been to the gym in 7 weeks. I work full time so that eats up most of my day and I've been averaging like 4 hours of sleep. Any advice from you all with kids? This is really starting to piss me off!

hey bro, im not trying to sound like a dickhead. but this is something you should really try to fix on your own. everybody has their problems and we all have busy lives, but now you want other people to find time for the gym for you? I think you should sit down and discuss this with your partner, and see if you can get an hour or two for the gym. if not, then fuck it take a little break and see if things change in the future.
Definately try to find a gym with very early or very late hours, if
not 24/7. That's about the only way. The older he gets the more
time you will want to hang out with him, and vice/versa.
Any chance of working out at home? Buying a power rack and putting it the basement? (or whatever).

If not I reckon Y-Lifter has the best idea.
Can you workout on your lunch break? Trust me, I know it's hard but take it from a mom who used to work out religously everymorning for years and then WAMMO a little 7-pounder changes everything!! Plus my hubby started a new job where he leaves at 5am sometimes. Anyhow, we worked it out to where a couple times a week I go early in the morning and am home by 6am so he can leave for work. The rest of the week I workout at lunch. Even if you only have 30 minutes sometimes...a little is better than nothing at all. I try to think of it as a small sacrafice for a little while but as long as I get in 3 days a week I figure it's ok for now.

I went to the gym about 1 week later.

My son is now 8 monthes old.

At our gym we have a daycare so we both came to the gym and leave him in the day care for 1 hour. He sleeps most of the time anyways...

Now he is a regular there.
a baby can definitively represents a change in lifestyle... I would suggest to make arrangement with your wife and try several alternatives to see what may work best for both :)
I've seen a few new mother bring their babies to the gym with them. The keep them in the travel basket thingy next to the treadmill or bike. Keep in mind they were nowhere near free weights, and it was earlyt in the morning, so less crowded.
I finished my article on how to Find a Gym, the top 10 things to look for. Thanks for your help. Here's a link to the article "Find a Gym"!
If you're feeling like a fat ass, have you been slacking in regards to your diet as well? Because I know eating really well can help me feel slightly less guilty about taking a few days off from the gym. Plus, at least if you know you're eating the best you can, you won't be giving yourself even more work to do when you get back to the gym.

Also, it's not the same as a gym but maybe until the baby is old enough to stay in daycare or something you could invest in just enough equipment for your house that you wouldn't feel like a fat ass til you got back to the gym. Better than nothing.
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