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my wife's ex-husband is about to get his ass stomped

abolish the weak

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I've had enough of this. My wife has an ex husband who is a complete nutcase. Everything started off fine, he paid my wife $400/month child support, and got his daughter every other weekend, and every Wed. Well, over time he quit sending money, he'd sign her daughter up for shit like swim lessons, then come back and say "Well it cost this much for this, so you wont be getting anything this month. They had liberal rights set up after the divorce, that is terms on which both parties can agree on. Well, the guy slowly starts finding ways to get his daughter more, almost 5 nights/wk. I kept telling my wife to put a stop to it, but she just didnt want to cause problems b/ of the kid. Then her 7 yr old started coming home w/ bruises on her. They'd mostly be on her ass, but almost lacerations and bruises so bad she couldnt sit down. He would do this because he didnt think she ate her food fast enough, nothing more. Then, it got to the point where he started insulting my wife via phone conversations, coming over here when I was at work and harassing her and calling her a bitch. Well, the last time she came home, I saw the bruises and said enough is enough. We called the sherriff's dept, and contacted DSS. Now he's fucked! So we are sitting here waiting on a court date. In the meantime, he goes down to DSS office, and they dont tell him what he wants to hear, and shows his ass so bad he gets thrown out and almost arrested. Then, after being told not to come near here, what does he do? Drives over here and bangs on my door, AGAIN when I'm not home, fucking coward!! My wife was terrified to answer the door and my step daughter was curled up in a corner hiding saying "please God, dont make me go back there, please God, dont make my daddy do this" I've stayed cool about everything, I have not threatened him, I have not contacted him, I've dealt with it all legally. I'm having a restraining order put on his ass today. If this guy comes back over here he's leaving in one of two ways, handcuffs or a stretcher, I'll let him decide.
It sucks you have to do this but don't let up. A restraining order is a good step but call the cops every time he starts shit even if he just drives up and sits outside your house on the street. Get the paper trail started. Did DSS document the bruises? Has he hit your wife?
Keep your cool bro, I know he needs his ass stomped but if you do that you'll be fucked. Sounds like you have enough on this guy to keep the kids away from him and out of danger. Good Luck, courts could be fucked
Hindsight is 20/20, but if my duaghter came home with bruises -

1) Get a order of protection is #1 IMO. For a child your attorney can arrange an emergency hearing.

2) Contact DSS.

3) Most likely wait for both the above to resolve then seek changes to custody based on substantial and continuing change of circumstances. You could file whenever you want here, but they most likely wouldn't decided until the above items were settled, and without the above items settled in your favor - you may not be able to demonstrate a substation and continuing change of circumstance.

.... the money and the visitation can be delt with later... that has nothing to do with nothing at this point.
definitely stay the course your on, you dont need the trouble this guy is bringing on himself. he is definitely digging his own grave on this one. your daughter should never have to deal with an asshole like that.
no, he's never hit my wife before, if he did he would be in a body bag by now. Thing is, I never wanted the guy to not be able to see his daughter, until I started realizing how scared his own kid was of her father. She keeps asking my wife if she can call me dad, thats kind of pitiful. She'll slip up and tell the other kids "thats my dad, he's a bodybuilder" hahahha
zackinator said:
definitely stay the course your on, you dont need the trouble this guy is bringing on himself. he is definitely digging his own grave on this one. your daughter should never have to deal with an asshole like that.

Yep, and the 7 yo doesn't need TWO men behaving irrationally. Be the good guy in her eyes. Don't give her something terrible to remember. Children don't differentiate between 'good violence' and 'bad violence'. It's just 'violence' to the them. She's had enough of it. You're doing a good job. It IS the right thing to do.
I hope to God that the system WILL work for you and your family so that piece of shit ex will not be able to have contact with the child.

Don't lose your cool - EVER... It could bite you in the ass even though the guy NEEDS a proper beat down.

You are a good man. There are VERY FEW who would last in a similar situation. Just TRY and remain calm. If you are as big as I think you are it really could hurt you if the ex *wises* up and starts throwing allegations towards you.

My ex used to be a REAL jerk in court/public etc too until he got smart and learned to control himself. We got a new judge (that is a fucking nutjob himself) and from that point on it was a slippery slope downhill.

Just remain calm and focused. I wish you nothing but happiness and (someday) peace.
I dream about beating my ex-wifes boyfriends ass. But I would never want to put my kid through anything like this to to justify it. Karma is a bitch in the end. He gets his punishment living with her crazy ass.
Turd Ferguson said:
I dream about beating my ex-wifes boyfriends ass. But I would never want to put my kid through anything like this to to justify it. Karma is a bitch in the end. He gets his punishment living with her crazy ass.

And poking said crazy ass... over and over while she screams his name and cuddles his nutz with her hand.
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