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my first Test cycle.. progress so far.


New member
well i never thought i would be making a progress thread after a week and a half but jesus, this is the best compound on earth at least for my body. dbol just hated my body i guess so everything was wrong when i had taken it a while back. as far as test goes, or Test E to be specific, everything is great. i'm running 500mg/week split into 2 doses like some people recommended.. and everything is going great.

1 1/2 weeks and i'm up 5 lbs.
injections stay sore for a very very short time, and both my injection days are leg days so i could go do squats 20 mins afterwards and feel just fine.
i feel strength/endurance already jumping up a lot.
the weight i have gained doesn't feel like water weight like it did with dbol.
basically i feel great.. no signs of test flu or anything of the sort.
i'm having no sides yet, i'm running 12mg of liquivolva ed, so my nipples feel fine and my nuts are the same.
no signs of acne or anything else like that either.
overall everything is just going great.. my appetite is up along with energy and everything else.

8 1/2 more weeks.. WOOOOT. sorry i'm excited. i'm new to all this so the help and advice i've gotten on here is paying off. 3rd cycle, and i gotta say i should have listened to everyone in the first place when they said test was best in the beginning.
Placebo effect perhaps. Maybe you are eating better, but umm... Test E isn't going to kick in that quick. It will take 3-5 weeks before you start seeing effects, good or bad, from the test E.
cswole said:
Placebo effect perhaps. Maybe you are eating better, but umm... Test E isn't going to kick in that quick. It will take 3-5 weeks before you start seeing effects, good or bad, from the test E.

i am trying to eat more... that's true, but something is changing other than my mental state. i can feel something different in my muscles that i can't describe specifically. who knows though, maybe you're right but my body feels different. but i'm no scientist.. so i dunno what could be going on exactly.
I agree with cswole. I thought I felt great after only a week or two(and I really did). But it's nothing compared to how I feel now. I'm in my fifth week of Test E now and boy, let me tell you, you ain't seen nothin yet! The strength, the sex drive, everything.
You have alot to look forward to...Enjoy my good bro!!
yeah, i'm on my 4th week right now, i'm up 8lbs and strength/endurance is through the roof...not to mention the amazing pumps i get while lifting

i'm doing a 12 weeker so i can't fucking wait

test is truly a magic compound. not only for its muscle building capabilities but for the terrific sense of well being (i am now using this expression which always got on my nerves!).

i never understood the significance of test is regulating mood till i started shooting it. dont feel any ROID RAGE!, just in a good mood, and not an unnatural high like a rec drug.

getting off topic here, over the thanksgiving weekend steroid use came up over dinner. EVERYBODY in my family was an expert, regurgitating "facts" they read in the paper. my dad expertly told everyone increased aggression is a common side effect of steroids. the entire converstion was making me sick.

makes you question everytyhing you read doesn't it? news reporting always goes for the hook, the angle, the headline. gotta take everything with a grain of salt.
Mid week 6 250mg Test E and 500mg EQ

+13 pounds(Not much water at all)

Appetite is great

Pumps are good - For me my first set of everything feels a little weak, then once I hit my 3rd/4th+ sets I can just keep going up and up. It feels great.

I definitely notice the muscle hardness from the EQ.

....The next 6 weeks should be a blast!

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