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Morning do you wake up??


New member
Hey Ladies,

I need some advice on how to get my butt up in the morning. Over the summer, I used to get up at 5 AM everyday and do either cardio or lift. Now that it's cold and dark in the mornings, I am seriously like a zombie. This morning I woke up and it was like 6:00 and I don't remember hitting snooze once...I just do it in my sleep sometimes I think. I for sure go to bed early enough (usually around 9/10 PM). Any suggestions on how to make myself wake up and get out of bed???

Thanks so very much!!!

Well, I get up at five, and I have the same problem during the winter. I set my alarm at four and hit sleep for about an hour and a half. you can only hit the snooze for so long untill you are just up.
I feel your pain girl! I'm up at 5 as well, and it never seems to get easier.

I asked that exact question on the Training board, someone suggested setting the alarm 20 minutes before you actually want to get up, have 2 caffeine pills and water near your bed, so you wake up, pop 'em, then sleep for 2 more "snoozes" and by then you're raring to go...
I just try to not think about it too much. I have my clothes set out so I just hop out of bed and mindlessly get dressed as quickly as possible. If I think at all, I'll stay in bed.

Of course, I also plan it so I only have to do this 2-3 times during the week - that way, I get to "sleep in" a couple days during the work week. It seems to make those 5:00 am mornings a little easier to deal with.
I do exactly the same as JJ. By the time I really wake up, I'm already in the gym so there's no turning back. Also, I remind myself how good I'll feel that day. For some reason, my energy isn't as good on rest days.
Drink lots of water, you will have no choice. I have to wake up at 4:15 every morning and I will not get up unless I have to. I drink a ton of water before I go to sleep, and if I get up in the middle of the night, I drink a lot more. It sounds stupid, but it is the easiest way, and good for you too.
You tell yourself that you have to get up!

Before you know it you have conditioned yourself. :)
I do the same as JJ, too. We only get up 2 weekday mornings so we "sleep in" 3. It works out. I also set my alarm a little early so we get a snooze in. It also helps that my husband gets up with me and doesn't let me talk myself into being lazy (I tried not to get up this morning...)

i have also noticed that if I turn my lamp on as soon as i wake and not look outside, I don't notice that it is still dark. Once i do notice i am in my workout clothes and already out the door-much too late to turn back...

My advice is just force yourself for a while and then it will become a habit. And move the alarm across the room...
Thanks everyone...I will definitly try all of these suggestions if I have to to make myself get up. I think moving the alarm across the room will be my first attempt.

Thanks so much!!
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