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Mexican Clomid. HELP Southern Cal.bro's


New member
Do any of you bro's pick up Clomid in Mexico? If so what brand do you get, and what does the packaging and box look like. Is there a best brand?

Are there fakes in Mexico?

I went to Mexico today to get some Clomid for a good buddy but I backed off as I got worried about them being legit. I saw clomid made by Hoechs....there was 30 in the box...foil pop outs and the box was blue.
Another brand was Serona....10 in a pink box with foil pop outs.

Thanks bro's
No fakes of clomid to my knowledge. I have the blue box with 30 tabs. Does it say omifin (spelling?)
There are no clomid fakes that I know of. When you buy, make sure they come in a blister pack. The two big versions in Mex are Omifin and Serophene. Serophene is made by Serono and is my favorite because the pills are smaller and don't crush easily. I advise you to get one of the two brands I mentioned.
It's not a controlled substance so you don't have to worry about bringing it back. As far as fakes there's not a market for it since it's not an illegal drug. You can order Clomid over the internet. I got mine for around $.80 per 50 mg pill (omifin)
clomid and nolv.

Ya,bro dont worry about it .Matter of fact you can legally mail order clomid ,nolvadex and arimidex online through or somethig like that. I typed in tamoxifen in my search on msn and went to the 10 most reqeusted sites and boooya.I ordered through a secured site w/my mastercard and the company is based in oregon.When you place your order they give you a reference # and tracking # and reqiure a signature upon delivery.Its nothing to worry about ,completly safe .It took about 4 weeks to arive and was the real shiznit.Prices arent to bad either, just got to plan ahead Peace Out:fro: p.s. I did not have any trouble what so ever and got my clomid and nolv this way ,couldn't afford the arimidex:(
meds mex

The clomid is 50mg tabs @30 count 24$ and the arimidex is out of stock for now and nolv. is 10mg tabs @ 30 tabds for 29.95 and these pricrs include shiping if im not mistaken!:D
Re: meds mex

bigringking said:
The clomid is 50mg tabs @30 count 24$ and the arimidex is out of stock for now and nolv. is 10mg tabs @ 30 tabds for 29.95 and these pricrs include shiping if im not mistaken!:D

How long did it take to get the stuff and do you have any dosing suggestions?

just go down and get the stuff in mexico. if you decide to declare your clomid and nolvadex just tell the border patrol that it's medication. they don't care. you can get the stuff way cheaper down there. I've always seen the Omifin brand for clomid in mexico
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